Hi we run 2014 but will be on 2019 in the coming months.
I cannot locate an old post i created on this subject and could not recall the answer i was given .
I don't think this is a row group question. There is no dynamic nature to the format that is rendered in the theoretical report which has one row per client and ten amount columns across.
We all know how to create interactive sorting in ssrs, the feature that renders up and down arrows which the user can use to sort his data.
Most of us know what a primary sort column is, a secondary sort column etc. The question is simply this. My user wants to sort ascending on amount 3 (primary), descending on amount 4 (secondary) and ascending on amount 5 (tertiary). So he hits the arrow on amount 3 etc and then runs the report. Has ssrs remembered the order in which he hit the arrows? Now he wants amount 5 descending (primary), amount 4 ascending (secondary) and amount 3 descending (tertiary). So he hits those arrows accordingly in that sequence and renders the report. Has ssrs remembered that those were the only up and down arrows he hit and in what sequence they were hit?
Or is ssrs going more on a left to right scheme not really caring about the arrows just hit by the user but instead the final look of what the arrows say to do. If ssrs is remembering what arrows were hit most recently, is it then using the previous choices on all the other columns in any of its sorting decisions? Also, if it is remembering what arrows were hit most recently and giving those priority over all other arrows, is there some limit on how may columns it can remember as being hit and in what sequence between renderings?