Hello @Manuel Heye and thanks for reaching out. In order to skip re-login please add the query param prompt=none
to your authorization URL. E.g.
'p' => self::EDIT,
'client_id' => $this->azureAdConnector->getClientId(),
'redirect_uri' => $this->router->generate('website_azure_login_check', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
'scope' => 'openid',
'response_type' => 'id_token',
'response_mode' => 'form_post',
'ui_locales' => $locale->getLanguage(),
'state' => $locale->toString(). '-edit',
'prompt' => 'none'
Also, ensure SSO configuration is not suppressed.
Let us know if you need additional assistance. If the answer was helpful, please accept it and complete the quality survey so that others can find a solution.