How to investigate Dapr service invocation 500 error
When I use service invocation in my Dapr applications and when they are deployed to Azure Container Apps I get:
Dapr.Client.InvocationException: An exception occurred while invoking method: 'health-check' on app-id: 'customers'
---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).
at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
at Dapr.Client.DaprClientGrpc.InvokeMethodAsync[TResponse](HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Service invocation is working fine locally. How do I figure out where my problem lies?
I would think enabling the debug log level in Dapr might give some insight.
[HttpGet, Route("health-check")]
public ActionResult HealthCheck()
logger.LogInformation("health check called");
return Ok(new HealthCheckResponse
Message = "I'm up - orders service"
[HttpGet, Route("health-check-service-invocation")]
public async Task<ActionResult> HealthCheckServiceInvocation()
logger.LogInformation("health check service invocation of the catalog service called");
return Ok(await daprClient.InvokeMethodAsync<HealthCheckResponse>(HttpMethod.Get, "customers", "health-check"));
catch (Exception ex)
logger.LogError(ex, "unable to talk to the customers service");
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError);
note: This is an Azure Container Apps issue but there doesn't appear to be a tag for that so I choose Azure Container Instances