Mobile Device could not show the correct coding when reciving auto reply from external email?
I am using Exchange 2019 and we have a problem when receive one of the external emails auto reply, the Exchange server will convert that to ATT0001.htm file. As in the reply, there is some Chinese character in that, it shows fine in the Outlook client. But when open the attachment in the mobile client, it could not show the correct wording.
The is the correct one when open in Outlook:
来自xxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx .com的自动回复(Come from Auto-Reply): hello
以下是原邮件的相关信息(Original e-mail):
标题(Subject):Please help to check
发件人(To):xxxxx.xxxxx@X .com
收件人(From):qxxxxxx@X .com
发信时间(Date):2022-10-15 00:18:41
But when open in mobile, it will show below:
鏉ヨ嚜xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx .com鐨勮嚜鍔ㄥ洖澶�(Come from Auto-Reply): ---------
Hello, this is a auto reply.
浠ヤ笅鏄師閭欢鐨勭浉鍏充俊鎭�(Original e-mail)锛�
鏍囬(Subject)锛歍esting again
鍙戜欢浜�(To)锛歵xxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx .com
鏀朵欢浜�(From)锛歲xxxxx@X .com
鍙戜俊鏃堕棿(Date)锛�2022-10-18 21:05:29