Failure: Failure while uploading face-recognition to the API: Resource not found
curl -v -X POST "https://eastus.api.cpe: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Content-Length: 0" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: ENTER MY SUBSCRIPTION HERE"
{"error":{"code":"401","message": "Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription and use a correct regional API endpoint for your resource."}}
const API_BASE_URL = '';
Failure while uploading face-recognition to the API: Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription and use a correct regional API endpoint for your resource.
class FaceRecognition{
* Base URL to the Microsoft Face API
* @const API_BASE_URL
const API_BASE_URL = '';
* Key for the Microsoft Face API
* Name of the Microsoft Face API person group
* Directory Path where face-images will be saved
const IMG_PATH_PERSON = './';
* @VAR object
* @access private
private $db;
* @VAR string
* @access private
private $img;
* @VAR string
* @access private
private $user;
* @VAR string
* @access private
private $email;
* @VAR string
* @access public
public $responseText;
* Constructs the Object
* @access public
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $user
* @return boolean
public function __construct($user){
$this->user = $user;
$this->db = new DatabaseConnection();
$file_headers = @get _headers(BASE_URL . self::IMG_PATH_PERSON);
if(!$file_headers || $file_headers[0] == 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found')
return $this->setResponseText('pathError', array('path' => self::IMG_PATH_PERSON));
return true;
* Set $mail and $img to NULL
* @access private
* @return void
* @SEE setDefaults()
private function setDefaults(){
$this->email = NULL;
$this->img = NULL;
* Check if table user
* @access private
* @return boolean
* @SEE checkTable()
private function checkTable(){
$row = $this->db->query("SELECT personId
, faceId
, name
, email
FROM user
return false;
return true;
* Create table user
* @access private
* @return boolean
* @SEE initTable()
private function initTable(){
$row = $this->db->query('
varchar(36) NOT NULL,
varchar(36) NOT NULL,
varchar(64) NOT NULL,
varchar(64) NOT NULL
return $this->setResponseText('dbInit...');
$row = $this->db->query('ALTER TABLE user
return false;
return true;
* Set $mail to given parameter
* @access private
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $mail
* @return void
* @SEE setMail()
private function setMail($mail){
$this->email = $mail;
* Set $img to given parameter
* @access private
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $img
* @return void
* @SEE setBase64Img()
private function setBase64Img($img){
$this->img = $img;
* Set $responseText to a customized error comment based on given parameter
* @access private
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $msg
* @Paramjeet Dahiya array $param
* @return boolean
* @SEE setResponseText()
private function setResponseText($msg, $param = array()){
case 'pathError' :
$this->responseText = 'The Path "' . ((array_key_exists('path', $param)) ? $param['path'] : NULL) . '" doesnt seem to exist.'; break; case 'userLength' : $this->responseText = 'Usernames minimum length have to be 5 characters long.'; break; case 'userExists' : $this->responseText = 'Username already exists.'; break; case 'mailUnset' : $this->responseText = 'No E-Mail adress entered.'; break; case 'mailInvalid' : $this->responseText = 'E-Mail adress is invalid.'; break; case 'mailExists' : $this->responseText = 'E-Mail adress already exists.'; break; case 'uploadNoimage' : $this->responseText = 'No image for upload selected.'; break; case 'uploadFail' : $this->responseText = 'Image upload failed, please try again.'; break; case 'uploadSizeMin' : $this->responseText = 'This image is to small for correct recognition of a face.'; break; case 'uploadSizeMax' : $this->responseText = 'This image is too big for data-upload.'; break; case 'curlError' : $this->responseText = 'Failure while connecting to the microsoft face API: ' . ((array_key_exists('msg', $param)) ? $param['msg'] : NULL); break; case 'deleteError' : $this->responseText = 'The image could not be deleted.'; break; case 'detectError' : $this->responseText = 'Failure while uploading face-recognition to the API: ' . ((array_key_exists('msg', $param)) ? $param['msg'] : NULL); break; case 'detectNoFace' : $this->responseText = 'No face recogniced on this image.'; break; case 'detectMultipleFaces' : $this->responseText = 'More than one face recogniced on this image.'; break; case 'getPersonGroupEmpty' : $this->responseText = 'Microsoft face API could not find the API persons group for this area.'; break; case 'getPersonGroupError' : $this->responseText = 'Failure while trying to find the API persons group: ' . ((array_key_exists('msg', $param)) ? $param['msg'] : NULL); break; case 'personGroupEmpty' : $this->responseText = 'Microsoft face API could not create the persons group.'; break; case 'personGroupError' : $this->responseText = 'Failure while creating the persons group: ' . ((array_key_exists('msg', $param)) ? $param['msg'] : NULL); break; case 'addPersonEmpty' : $this->responseText = 'Microsoft face API could not create the persons group.'; break; case 'addPersonError' : $this->responseText = 'Failure while creating the person in the API: ' . ((array_key_exists('msg', $param)) ? $param['msg'] : NULL); break; case 'updatePersonError' : $this->responseText = 'Failure while updating the person in the API: ' . ((array_key_exists('msg', $param)) ? $param['msg'] : NULL); break; case 'getPersonDatabase' : $this->responseText = 'User could not be found in the database.'; break; case 'getPersonEmpty' : $this->responseText = 'Microsoft face API could not find the person.'; break; case 'getPersonError' : $this->responseText = 'Failure while finding the person: ' . ((array_key_exists('msg', $param)) ? $param['msg'] : NULL); break; case 'personFaceEmpty' : $this->responseText = 'Microsoft face API could not assign the face image to the person.'; break; case 'personFaceError' : $this->responseText = 'Failure while assigning the image to the person in the API: ' . ((array_key_exists('msg', $param)) ? $param['msg'] : NULL); break; case 'updatePersonFaceError' : $this->responseText = 'Failure while updating the persons face image in the API: ' . ((array_key_exists('msg', $param)) ? $param['msg'] : NULL); break; case 'deletePersonFaceError' : $this->responseText = 'Failure while deleting the persons face image in the API: ' . ((array_key_exists('msg', $param)) ? $param['msg'] : NULL); break; case 'deletePersonError' : $this->responseText = 'Failure while deleting the person in the API: ' . ((array_key_exists('msg', $param)) ? $param['msg'] : NULL); break; case 'verifyEmpty' : $this->responseText = 'Microsoft face API could not verify this face.'; break; case 'verifyError' : $this->responseText = 'Failure while verifying the user in the API: ' . ((array_key_exists('msg', $param)) ? $param['msg'] : NULL); break; case 'verifyNotIdentical' : $this->responseText = 'This face doesn
t match to the one to verify.';
case 'dbAddError' :
$this->responseText = 'User was inserted into the database.';
case 'dbUpdateError' :
$this->responseText = 'User could not be updated into the database.';
case 'dbGetError' :
$this->responseText = 'User value could not be loaded from the database.';
case 'dbDeleteError' :
$this->responseText = 'User could not be deleted from the database.';
case 'emptyField' :
$this->responseText = 'There are required fields that are empty.';
case 'loginSuccess' :
$this->responseText = 'Login granted, similarity is at ' . ((array_key_exists('confidence', $param)) ? $param['confidence'] : NULL) . '%.';
return true;
case 'logoutSuccess' :
$this->responseText = 'Logout successful.';
return true;
case 'registerSuccess' :
$this->responseText = 'User could be created successfully.';
return true;
case 'changeMailSuccess' :
$this->responseText = 'E-mail address has been successfully updated.';
return true;
case 'changeFaceImageSuccess' :
$this->responseText = 'Face image has been successfully updated.';
return true;
case 'deleteUserSuccess' :
$this->responseText = 'User has been deleted sucessfully.';
return true;
default :
$this->responseText = 'No response message input given.';
return false;
* Throws a new Exception based on given parameter
* @access private
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $e
* @return void
* @SEE setException()
private function setException($e){
case 'methodAPI' : throw new Exception('Es muss mit POST, PUT, DELETE, GET oder PATCH zugegriffen werden'); break;
case 'connectAPI' : throw new Exception('Fehler bei der Verbindung zur API.'); break;
case 'returnAPI' : throw new Exception('Fehler bei der Rückgabe der API.'); break;
default : throw new Exception('Keine Fehlermeldung angegeben.'); break;
* Connect to the Microsoft Face API based on given parameters
* @access private
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $method
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $url
* @Paramjeet Dahiya array $postField
* @return array
* @SEE curl()
private function curl($method, $url, $postField = NULL){
$url = self::API_BASE_URL . $url;
$method = strtoupper($method);
if($method != 'POST' && $method != 'PUT' && $method != 'DELETE' && $method != 'GET' && $method != 'PATCH')
$ch = curl_init();
if($postField !== NULL){
$postField = json_encode($postField);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Content-Type: application/json',
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key:' . self::API_PRIMARY_KEY,
'Content-Length: ' . strlen($postField)
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postField);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key:' . self::API_PRIMARY_KEY));
if($method !== 'POST')
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
if(!$response || $response === NULL)
catch(Exception $e){
return $this->setResponseText('curlError', array('msg' => $e->getMessage()));
return json_decode($response, true);
* Check if $user is a valid user
* @access private
* @return boolean
* @SEE checkUser()
private function checkUser(){
if(strlen($this->user) < 5)
return $this->setResponseText('userLength');
$row = $this->db->query('SELECT name
FROM user
if(sizeof($row) > 0){
$res = false;
foreach($row as $key => $val){
if($val['name'] == $this->user){
$res = true;
if($res === true)
return true;
* Check if $mail is a valid mail
* @access private
* @return boolean
* @SEE checkMail()
private function checkMail(){
if($this->email === NULL)
return $this->setResponseText('mailUnset');
if(!filter_var($this->email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
return $this->setResponseText('mailInvalid');
$row = $this->db->query('SELECT email
FROM user
if(sizeof($row) > 0){
$res = false;
foreach($row as $key => $val){
if($val['email'] == $this->email){
$res = true;
if($res === true)
return $this->setResponseText('mailExists');
return true;
* Upload $img to given directory based on parameter
* @access private
* @return boolean
* @SEE uploadImage()
private function uploadImage(){
if($this->img === NULL)
return $this->setResponseText('uploadNoimage');
$base64 = preg_replace('#^data:image/\w+;base64,#i', '', $this->img);
$data = base64_decode($base64);
if($this->getBase64Size($data) === false){
return false;
$destURL = self::IMG_PATH_PERSON . '/' . $this->user . '.jpeg';
$link = str_replace(BASE_URL, '', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$depth = sizeof(explode("/", $link)) - 1;
$prefix = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++){
$prefix .= '../' . $prefix;
$destURL = $prefix . $destURL;
if(!file_put_contents($destURL, $data))
return $this->setResponseText('uploadFail');
if($this->getImageSize($destURL) === false){
return false;
return true;
* Get image size of base64 string
* The microsoft face API allows only images with a file size between 1 KB (8 192 bit) and 4 MB (8 388 608 bit).
* To decrease the server traffic, we check the base64 string, if the uploaded jpeg file will correspond this file size.
* Knowing that one base64 pixel has a color depth of 8 bit by default, we can easily calculate the propable file size.
* @access private
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $data
* @return boolean
* @SEE getBase64Size()
private function getBase64Size($data){
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesizefromstring($data);
$size = $width * $height * 8; // width pixels * height pixels * 8 bit
$oneKB = 8192; // 1 KB = 8192 Bit, minimum size for API
$fourMB = 8388608; // 4 MB = 8388608 Bit, maximum size for API
if($size < $oneKB)
return $this->setResponseText('uploadSizeMin');
if($size > $fourMB)
return $this->setResponseText('uploadSizeMax');
return true;
* Get image size of uploaded image
* After having uploaded the base64 image we check the actual image size, because some servers make strange things...
* @access private
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $img
* @return boolean
* @SEE getImageSize()
private function getImageSize($img){
$size = floor(filesize($img) * 8); // image size in bit
$oneKB = 8192; // 1 KB = 8192 Bit, minimum size for API
$fourMB = 8388608; // 4MB = 8388608 Bit, maximum size for API
if($size < $oneKB)
return $this->setResponseText('uploadSizeMin');
if($size > $fourMB)
return $this->setResponseText('uploadSizeMax');
return true;
* Delete image related to user from given directory based on parameter
* @access private
* @return boolean
* @SEE deleteImage()
private function deleteImage(){
$path = self::IMG_PATH_PERSON . '/' . $this->user . '.jpeg';
$link = str_replace(BASE_URL, '', 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$depth = sizeof(explode("/", $link)) - 1;
$prefix = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++){
$prefix .= '../' . $prefix;
$path = $prefix . $path ;
return $this->setResponseText('pathError', array('path' => $path));
chmod($path, 0777);
return $this->setResponseText('deleteError');
return true;
* Microsoft Face API to detect faces and get a faceId
* @access private
* @return mixed
* @SEE detectFace()
private function detectFace(){
$img = BASE_URL . self::IMG_PATH_PERSON . '/' . $this->user . '.jpeg';
$res = $this->curl('POST', 'detect?returnFaceId=true', array('url' => $img));
if($res === false){
$res2 = $this->deleteImage();
if($res2 === false)
return false;
return false;
if(array_key_exists('error', $res)){
//$res2 = $this->deleteImage();
//if($res2 === false)
// return false;
return $this->setResponseText('detectError', array('msg' => $res['error']['message']));
if(!array_key_exists(0, $res)){
//$res2 = $this->deleteImage();
//if($res2 === false)
// return false;
return $this->setResponseText('detectNoFace',$res);
if(!array_key_exists('faceId', $res[0])){
$res = $this->deleteImage();
if($res === false)
return false;
return $this->setResponseText('detectNoFace',$res);
if(sizeof($response) > 1){
$res2 = $this->deleteImage();
if($res2 === false)
return false;
return $this->setResponseText('detectMultipleFaces');
$faceId = $res[0]['faceId'];
return $faceId;
* Microsoft Face API to get data of the person group
* @access private
* @return mixed
* @SEE getPersonGroup()
private function getPersonGroup(){
$url = 'persongroups/' . self::API_PERSON_GROUP;
$res = $this->curl('GET', $url);
if($res === false)
return false;
if(strlen($res) === 0)
return $this->setResponseText('getPersonGroupEmpty');
if(array_key_exists('error', $res))
return $this->setResponseText('getPersonGroupError', array('msg' => $res['error']['message']));
$persistedFaceIds = $res;
return $persistedFaceIds;
* Microsoft Face API to create a new person group
* @access private
* @return boolean
* @SEE createPersonGroup()
private function createPersonGroup(){
$data = array(
'name' => self::API_PERSON_GROUP,
'userData' => 'user-provided data attached to the person group'
$res = $this->curl('PUT', 'persongroups/' . self::API_PERSON_GROUP, $data);
if($res === false)
return false;
if(sizeof($res) === 0)
return $this->setResponseText('personGroupEmpty');
if(array_key_exists('error', $res)){
if($res['error']['code'] !== 'PersonGroupExists')
$this->setResponseText('personGroupError', array('msg' => $res['error']['message']));
return true;
* Microsoft Face API to get date of $user
* @access private
* @return mixed
* @SEE getPerson()
private function getPerson(){
return $this->setResponseText('getPersonDatabase');
$url = 'persongroups/' . self::API_PERSON_GROUP . '/persons/' . $this->databaseGetUser('personId');
$res = $this->curl('GET', $url);
if($res === false)
return false;
if(strlen($res) === 0)
return $this->setResponseText('getPersonEmpty');
if(array_key_exists('error', $res))
return $this->setResponseText('getPersonError', array('msg' => $res['error']['message']));
$persistedFaceIds = $res['persistedFaceIds'];
* Microsoft Face API to create $user
* @access private
* @return mixed
* @SEE createPerson()
private function createPerson(){
$url = 'persongroups/' . self::API_PERSON_GROUP . '/persons';
$data = array(
'name' => $this->user,
'userData' => 'User-provided data attached to the person'
$res = $this->curl('POST', $url, $data);
if($res === false)
return false;
if(strlen($res) === 0)
return $this->setResponseText('addPersonEmpty');
if(array_key_exists('error', $res))
return $this->setResponseText('addPersonError', array('msg' => $url . $res['error']['message']));
$personId = $res['personId'];
return $personId;
* Microsoft Face API to update $user
* @access private
* @return boolean
* @SEE updatePerson()
private function updatePerson(){
$url = 'persongroup/' . self::API_PERSON_GROUP . '/persons/' . $this->databaseGetUser('personId');
$data = array(
'name' => $this->user,
'userData' => 'user-provided data attached to the person.'
$res = $this->curl('PATCH', $url, $data);
if($res === false)
return false;
if(array_key_exists('error', $res))
return $this->setResponseText('updatePersonError', array('msg' => $res['error']['message']));
return true;
* Microsoft Face API to assign a face to $user
* @access private
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $personId
* @return mixed
* @SEE addPersonFace()
private function addPersonFace($personId){
$url = 'persongroups/' . self::API_PERSON_GROUP . '/persons/' . $personId . '/persistedFaces';
$data = array(
'url' => BASE_URL . self::IMG_PATH_PERSON . '/' . $this->user . '.jpeg'
$res = $this->curl('POST', $url, $data);
if($res === false)
return false;
if(strlen($res) === 0)
return $this->setResponseText('personFaceEmpty');
if(array_key_exists('error', $res))
return $this->setResponseText('personFaceError', array('msg' => $res['error']['message'] . BASE_URL . self::IMG_PATH_PERSON . '/' . $this->user . '.jpeg'));
$persistedFaceId = $res['persistedFaceId'];
return $persistedFaceId;
* Microsoft Face API to update assigned faces of $user
* @access private
* @return boolean
* @SEE updatePersonFace()
private function updatePersonFace(){
$url = 'persongroup/' . self::API_PERSON_GROUP . '/persons/' . $this->databaseGetUser('personId') . '/persistedFaces/' . $this->databaseGetUser('faceId');
$data = array('userData' => 'user-provided data attached to the person.');
$res = $this->curl('PATCH', $url, $data);
if($res === false)
return false;
if(array_key_exists('error', $res))
return $this->setResponseText('updatePersonFaceError', array('msg' => $res['error']['message']));
return true;
* Microsoft Face API to verify the image width the user
* @access private
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $faceId
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $personId
* @return mixed
* @SEE verify()
private function verify($faceId, $personId){
$url = 'verify';
$data = array(
'faceId' => $faceId,
'personId' => $personId,
'personGroupId' => self::API_PERSON_GROUP
$res = $this->curl('POST', $url, $data);
if($res === false)
return false;
if(strlen($res) === 0)
return $this->setResponseText('verifyEmpty');
if(array_key_exists('error', $res))
return $this->setResponseText('verifyError', array('msg' => $res['error']['message']));
if($res['idIdentical'] === false)
return $this->setResponseText('verifyNotIdentical');
return $res['confidence'];
* Delete a Face of a Person from the Microsoft Face API
* @access private
* @return boolean
* @SEE deletePersonFace()
private function deletePersonFace(){
$url = 'persongroups/' . self::API_PERSON_GROUP . '/persons/' . $this->databaseGetUser('personId') . '/persistedFaces/' . $this->databaseGetUser('faceId');
$res = $this->curl('DELETE', $url);
if($res === false)
return false;
if(array_key_exists('error', $res))
return $this->setResponseText('deletePersonFaceError', array('msg' => $res['error']['message']));
return true;
* Delete a Person from the Microsoft Face API
* @access private
* @return boolean
* @SEE deletePerson()
private function deletePerson(){
$url = 'persongroups/' . self::API_PERSON_GROUP . '/persons/' . $this->databaseGetUser('personId');
$res = $this->curl('DELETE', $url);
if($res === false)
return false;
if(array_key_exists('error', $res))
return $this->setResponseText('deletePersonError', array('msg' => $res['error']['message']));
return true;
* Database query to add a new user
* @access private
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $faceId
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $personId
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $email
* @return boolean
* @SEE databaseAddUser()
private function databaseAddUser($faceId, $personId, $email = NULL){
if($this->email === NULL || $email === NULL)
return $this->setResponseText('mailUnset');
$email = (isset($email) ? $email : $this->email);
$row = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO user
, faceId
, name
, email
) VALUES ('" . $personId . "', '" . $faceId . "', '" . $this->user . "', '" . $email . "')");
return $this->setResponseText('dbAddError');
return true;
* Database query to update an attribute of $user
* @access private
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $attr
* @Paramjeet Dahiya string $value
* @return boolean
* @SEE databaseUpdateUser()
private f