Try using this to connect Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $Credential -UseRPSSession
. When you don't use the -UseRPSession
flag you only get access to the REST cmdlets which export is not a part of.
The command 'Export-QuarantineMessage' does not work
Reputation point
Hello friends,
I am trying to get the eml file of a message via Exchange online commands but I got timeout every time I tried,
also I tried on a different messages but again got time out every time.
$eml = Export-QuarantineMessage -Identity <Message_Identity>
this command works perfectly before a month but in the last two weeks is not.
notice1: I tried to run this on two different exchange account also nothing works...
notice2: I working with macOS pwsh.
please I would like to your help guys,
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Ken Ward 1 Reputation point