After Name/Email Address Change Outlook still using previous email address

Mike Potter - YPMG 1 Reputation point

One of our users here, got married.. lets say her maiden name is Sally Joe so her logon and email would be

We changed her name, windows login username and everything to her new name of Sally Beardsley so we setup her outlook to point to, we included the new SMTP address in the Exchange/ECP and made it her default.

We use DataMotion as our secure email server, and it uses the email address in outlook to connect to DataMotion (which we already updated her DataMotion acct, to be from, however because outlook is still "connecting" as our DataMotion plugin wants to connect to the DataMotion server with that username.. but it doesnt exist.

We could go back and put her original email in datamotion, but then when she sends emails out it will show her old name, and she doesnt (nor do we) want it showing old incorrect information (albiet its going to the same email box).

So how do I recreate the email profile brand new and FORCE it to use instead of

I'm a tech of 20+ yrs experience with Microsoft Products, and im not a n00b... I understand how to make a new profile, set it as the default profile and such.. but I've had my SysAdmin look at this too.. and we cant figure out "WHY"...

It is NOT a DataMotion issue... as the DataMotion plugin is getting the "user' or "login" username from outlook... and the only thing you can do is enter the password.... which fails because doesnt exist within our DataMotion acct anymore.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, THANKS!!!


Office Development
Office Development
Office: A suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, email, presentations, and data management and analysis.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
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Outlook Management
Outlook Management
Outlook: A family of Microsoft email and calendar products.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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