File upload in xamarin forms

Moon 1 Reputation point

I want to upload image from mobile application. Here is the mobile side code

   public async Task<bool> UploadFile(string fileName,byte[] imageBytes = null)  
               bool isSuccess = false;  
                   if (imageBytes != null && imageBytes.Length > 0)  
                     MultipartFormDataContent imageRequest = new MultipartFormDataContent();  
                     ByteArrayContent byteArrayContent = new ByteArrayContent(imageBytes);  
                     imageRequest.Add(byteArrayContent, "Files", fileName);  
                       if (_appService.IsApiAvailable().Result)  
                           string url = FileUploadEndpoint;  
                           isSuccess = await _requestProvider.PostAsync<MultipartFormDataContent, bool>(url, imageRequest, accessToken, null).ConfigureAwait(false);  
               catch (Exception ex)  
               return isSuccess;  

Here is the API side code

   public bool PostAsync([FromForm]FilesUploadRequest filesUploadRequest)  
               //some code  
    public class FilesUploadRequest  
           public List<IFormFile> Files { get; set; }  

Response from API is always coming false though it is working fine from swagger. Can anyone suggest me where I am doing wrong?

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