Hi @AbeerHayatKhan-1870 ,
Could you please provide the details below?
- Are you able to access the site using the HTTP protocol from internet using the hostname?
- What is the site binding you have configured in the IIS?
- Have you created any Hosts file entry?
- Have you purchase the domain name and SSL certificate for your site?
For testing purposes, try to create a new binding for a site.
- create 2 bindings(HTTP, HTTPS) binding for the site.
- Use the port 80(HTTP) and port 443(HTTPS).
- Set the internal IP of the Azure VM to the IP address field in both of the bindings.
- Keep the Hostname empty.
Restart the site. After that try to paste the Public IP address to the address bar of the browser (from internet) and see whether it shows your site or not.
Let us know about your test results.
Best Regards,