Hi @Akash Chopra ,
Thanks for posting this question in Microsoft Q&A platform and for using Azure services.
As I understand from the question, you need a PowerShell script for enabling alerts for all PaaS resources in Azure.
Please check below if this helps in your use-case:
param (
# ResourceGroup to operate on.
<# Switch parameter to either enable or disable all rules, default value
is false if not supplied when calling the script. #>
# Get all the rules for the given Resource Group.
$alertRules = @(Get-AzureRmAlertRule -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName);
<# Function reads the array and enables all rules in the array. If a rule is already enabled,
it will stay enabled. #>
function Enable-AllRules {
foreach ($rule in $alertRules) {
Add-AzureRmMetricAlertRule `
-ResourceGroupName $RG `
-TargetResourceId $rule.Condition.DataSource.ResourceUri `
-Location $rule.Location `
-Name $rule.AlertRuleResourceName `
-Description $rule.Description `
-MetricName $rule.Condition.DataSource.MetricName `
-Operator $rule.Condition.OperatorProperty `
-Threshold $rule.Condition.Threshold `
-WindowSize $rule.Condition.WindowSize `
-TimeAggregationOperator $rule.Condition.TimeAggregation;
switch ($Enable) {
$true { Enable-AllRules -RG $ResourceGroupName; }
Default { Disable-AllRules -RG $ResourceGroupName; }
Please let us know if this answers your question. If not, please reply so that we can help further.
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