The storage you are seeing above is only for SPO, and that's the value you should care about in your scenario. There is no generic M365 storage you can use/purchase. For workloads such as Exchange, the storage is allocated per each assigned license. Teams does not use its own storage, instead it leverages SPO/ODFB and the Exchange mailbox for a user.
How to check storage details for individual Platforms available in M365
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Hi Team
We are doing file share migration from onprem to SPO.The expected data size is (40 TB) which is more than the current available size showing as below .Hence want to request MS for additional Space.Before requesting wanted to under below things
- weather its a total storage of M365 or only it belongs to SPO platform?
- Is there a way to check storage details for individual platform like i.e. SPO/Exchange/Teams/OneDrive ETC in M365?
Thanks you help in advance