I have been working on a very large, complex nested deployment without issues for weeks. The folder structure is on my local drive. I have a main deployment and several nested deployments. This was working until about 15 minutes ago. I ran the deployment several times, deleting the resource group each time I was done testing. Went to eat and came back and now it wont work. Even deployments I know are good get the same error. Nothing has changed, and I do mean nothing. Why all of a sudden am I getting this error when I try to deploy from Custom Deployment in portal. Nothing changed on my end. I ran the deployment when I went to lunch, came back it was fine. Wanted to run it again to check a few things and now I get this:
The relative path 'artifacts/rg/rg.template.json' could not be resolved. Please ensure the parent deployment references either an external URI or a template spec ID. The relativePath property cannot be used when creating a template deployment with a local file. (Code: InvalidTemplateSpec)
This is the first time I got the error after many, many deployments. Again, I changed nothing and ALWAYS used the relativePath property and local files. I HAVE to get this deployed, please help!!!