...WHERE NULL:[Txn Time].[Full Date].[2020-10-23T00:00:00] looks more like it
cube structure question two measure groups not tied
here is another tricky one
i have many insurance policies each has a weekly record with transaction date (Sunday) and two measures - premium that week and Inforce indicator = 1 if on that weekend policy still alive
on a given date i need to get the number of policies that are still alive and the total of premiums for them
so basically first i need a set of policies on that date that have inforce = 1
then for each policy i need to aggregate along time axis all premiums up that date
clearly slicing the cube can be done in subselect so that week's record is the last for each policy
here is my first humble try i use where instead of subselect:
[Dim Policy].[Policy Nbr].Members,
([Txn Time].[Full Date].[2020-10-23T00:00:00],
[Measures].[Inforce]) > 0
) ON 0
FROM from [Bridger Olap All]
WHERE [Txn Time].[Full Date] -lt [Txn Time].[Full Date].[2020-10-23T00:00:00]
here i want to first get on columns all relevant policies with that (default) measure Premium
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where can I find a solid pro and pay them for help?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on likes of upwork they are no help
2 additional answers
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greg lipman 81 Reputation points
2022-12-08T13:40:50.973+00:00 Alexei
however i do have a question: what if the input date is NOT in that Txn Time table?
say if it is a true datetime with real minutes?
then [Txn Time].[Full Date].[2020-10-23T04:44:13] is NOT in the table
but i still need to force inequality less than??????
can we treat some date hierarchy as truly ordered -
greg lipman 81 Reputation points
2022-12-08T17:41:41.73+00:00 sorry i mistyped
it is null:[Txn Time].[Hierarchy].[Full Date].&[2022-10-23T00:00:00]but again what i need ultimately is
[Txn Time].[Hierarchy].[Full Date]...... < some totally random CDate()
basically filter by CDate the piece of cube BEFORE that CDAteis that possible canot make it work