A few things first. You don't calculate anything in SSMS. SSMS is only a tool that allows you to talk to SQL Server which does the job. You could use some other tool for the same task, for instance Azure Data Studio.
Next, for this type of question, we recommend that you post CREATE TABLE statements for your table and INSERT statements with the sample data. This makes it easier for us who answers question. This time I have done this for you, but the next time I may not feel like it.
Here is a solution, including CREATE TABLE + INSERT:
CREATE TABLE #warlock (
competitor_id int,
comp_article_id uniqueidentifier,
MDM_key int,
subgroup_id varchar(10),
month_id int,
comp_disc_price decimal(10,2),
iek_disc_price decimal(10,2)
INSERT #warlock(competitor_id, comp_article_id, MDM_key, subgroup_id, month_id, comp_disc_price, iek_disc_price)
VALUES (7, 'FAF7FFB9-7E0D-DE5C-627E-49E70619224A', 43476, '05.04.2001', 202210, 597.27 , 454.17 ),
(7, '7CBED177-416E-3AC2-0D0A-BA618780D76C', 43476, '05.04.2001', 202206, 863.2 , 779.93 ),
(7, '9BD3E269-5595-46C2-4734-9814ECC94EE2', 43476, '05.04.2001', 202208, 733.74 , 700.09 ),
(7, '71414007-3E0C-3973-F06C-E724485888D2', 43476, '05.04.2001', 202211, 924.65 , 713.02 ),
(7, '71414007-3E0C-3973-F06C-E724485888D2', 43830, '05.04.2001', 202212, 924.65 , 793.13 ),
(7, '3449B644-5204-8182-45D2-66BEFB482EB4', 43830, '05.04.2001', 202207, 744.11 , 672.34 ),
(7, '8E791A9A-C801-FEE9-B191-7B5DB4FCEBF7', 43830, '05.04.2001', 202206, 355.52 , 270.26 ),
(7, '8E791A9A-C801-FEE9-B191-7B5DB4FCEBF7', 43830, '05.04.2001', 202210, 319.97 , 256.75 ),
(7, 'C5F9BE32-CE90-C4C7-9381-B45AEB520EDB', 43830, '05.04.2001', 202206, 605.89 , 460.73 ),
(7, 'C5F9BE32-CE90-C4C7-9381-B45AEB520EDB', 43830, '05.04.2001', 202209, 605.89 , 469.94 ),
(1, 'C5F9BE32-CE90-C4C7-9381-B45AEB520EDB', 43938, '05.04.2001', 202212, 605.89 , 519.71 ),
(1, '6504BA81-4FB9-B8C6-8968-40BE01E0A481', 43938, '05.04.2001', 202209, 886.34 , 862.59 ),
(1, '6504BA81-4FB9-B8C6-8968-40BE01E0A481', 43938, '05.04.2001', 202212, 886.34 , 760.26 ),
(1, '3E9C5934-3A09-C7E3-F3C0-FB5C2EFE2777', 43938, '05.04.2001', 202209, 1095.74, 1066.38),
(1, '3E9C5934-3A09-C7E3-F3C0-FB5C2EFE2777', 43938, '05.04.2001', 202211, 1095.74, 844.95 ),
(1, '59767F0F-5951-79BD-5C36-3EBF3719EA7A', 5411 , '05.04.2001', 202205, 907.3 , 819.78 ),
(1, '59767F0F-5951-79BD-5C36-3EBF3719EA7A', 5411 , '05.04.2001', 202208, 907.3 , 819.78 ),
(1, 'EA58A371-A22D-942F-4AD7-81FC425A14E7', 5411 , '05.04.2001', 202208, 430.59 , 363.4 ),
(1, '01B129DB-CF35-9731-26C5-F3AFC31B5F18', 5411 , '05.04.2001', 202208, 1041.95, 994.15 ),
(1, '858FDDEE-54D3-F03B-910E-8F85528F0B01', 5411 , '05.04.2001', 202210, 1278.98, 1220.31)
SELECT * FROM #warlock ORDER BY competitor_id, MDM_key, month_id
; WITH avgs AS (
SELECT competitor_id, MDM_key, month_id,
AVG(comp_disc_price) AS comp_disc_price, AVG(iek_disc_price) AS iek_disc_price
FROM #warlock
GROUP BY competitor_id, MDM_key, month_id
SELECT competitor_id, MDM_key, month_id, comp_disc_price, iek_disc_price,
comp_disc_price - LAG(comp_disc_price) OVER(PARTITION BY competitor_id, MDM_key ORDER BY month_id) AS diff_comp_disc_price,
iek_disc_price - LAG(comp_disc_price) OVER(PARTITION BY competitor_id, MDM_key ORDER BY month_id) AS diff_iek_disc_price
FROM avgs
ORDER BY competitor_id, MDM_key, month_id
DROP TABLE #warlock
The WITH thing is a common table expression (CTE) computes the monthly averages. With CTEs we can build more complex queries from simpler ones. In the final query, I use LAG to get the value from the previous row.