Well it seems like now it works fine, I've populated the Deployment Center and it worked.
Failed to set up deployment: Cannot find User with name 00037FFE5D021E87
I created a brand new Azure account and immediately afterwards I created an app service in Windows with .Net 6. Problem is that it failed deploying this app service with the following error:
"status": "Failed",
"error": {
"code": "NotFound",
"message": "Cannot find User with name 00037FFE5D021E87.",
"details": [
"message": "Cannot find User with name 00037FFE5D021E87."
"code": "NotFound"
Going forward, I saw the app service being created, so I carried over and updated the Deployment Center, unfortunately it gave me the same error.
Error: Failed to set up deployment: Cannot find User with name 00037FFE5D021E87.