The Get-EXOMailbox looks for a mailbox. Did you create a mailbox for this user? Perhaps you should try Get-MsolUser to verify the account exists before looking for the mailbox.
Powershell Get-ExoMailbox User not found
En powershell:
quand j'ai un compte utilisateur créé le jour, j'ai erreur suivant avec la commande Get-EXOMailbox -Identity ******
PS C:\Users\xxxxx> Get-EXOMailbox -UserPrincipalName ""
Get-EXOMailbox : Error while querying REST service. HttpStatusCode=404 ErrorMessage={"error":{"code":"NotFound","message":"Error executing request. The operation couldn't be performed because object '' couldn't be found on
'AM6PR10A01DC005.EURPR10A001.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM'.","details":[{"code":"Context","target":"","message":"Ex6F9304|Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ManagementObjectNotFoundException|The operation couldn't be performed because object
'' couldn't be found on 'AM6PR10A01DC005.EURPR10A001.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM'."}],"innererror":{"message":"Error executing request. The operation couldn't be performed because object '' couldn't be found on
Au caractère Ligne:1 : 1
- Get-EXOMailbox -UserPrincipalName "******"
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CategoryInfo : Erreur de protocole : (:) [Get-EXOMailbox], RestClientException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : An error occurred while processing this request.,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RestApiClient.GetExoMailbox
Alors que si je lance a commande avec mon nom utilisateur j'ai pas erreur.
c'est comme ci il y a un délai, pourtant j'ai relancé à la commande 1heure apres que le compte soit créé
une idée ?
5 answers
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Nicolas Roche 411 Reputation points
2023-01-06T05:58:38.61+00:00 Hello,
Did you create a mailbox for this user ?
Did you find him in the Exchange Online ECP ?Best Regards
Florent GUILLOT 1 Reputation point
2023-01-06T10:19:17.763+00:00 merci, j'ai modifier mon script et cette partie c'est ok :)
Par contre j'ai cette partie la ou je bloque pour les group utilisateurs
> PS C:\Users\administrateur.xxxxx> Get-MgUserTransitiveMemberOf -UserId $emailcopyoffice365 | ? {$_.AdditionalProperties['mailEnabled'] -eq 'True'} | ForEach-Object { Add-UnifiedGroupLinks -Identity "b147a1be-99ae-4240-86b0-6b03b9f3124f" -links yyyy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx .com -LinkType "Members" } > > Write-ErrorMessage : Ex6F9304|Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ManagementObjectNotFoundException|Impossible d'effectuer l'opération, car l'objet 'b147a1be-99ae-4240-86b0-6b03b9f3124f' est introuvable sur 'AM0PR10A01DC006.EURPR10A001.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM'. > Au caractère C:\Users\administrateur.xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpEXO_ubelwxyd.eqn\tmpEXO_ubelwxyd.eqn.psm1:1098 : 13 > + Write-ErrorMessage $ErrorObject > + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Add-UnifiedGroupLinks], ManagementObjectNotFoundException > + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=VI1PR10MB3277,RequestId=455436cd-5751-2c3a-a72c-6143f047eaf1,TimeStamp=Fri, 06 Jan 2023 10:11:23 GMT],Write-ErrorMessage
alors que quand je test la commande, j'ai bien un retour
> PS C:\Users\administrateur.xxxxx> Get-MgUserTransitiveMemberOf -UserId $emailcopyoffice365 | ? {$.AdditionalProperties['mailEnabled'] -eq 'True'} | Foreach-Object { Get-MgGroup -Filter "Id eq '$($.id)'" } > > Id DisplayName Description GroupTypes > -- ----------- ----------- ---------- > b147a1be-99ae-4240-86b0-6b03b9f3124f dechet-ford-olivet {} > > > PS C:\Users\administrateur.xxxx> Get-MgUserTransitiveMemberOf -UserId $emailcopyoffice365 | ? {$.AdditionalProperties['mailEnabled'] -eq 'True'} | > >> ^C > PS C:\Users\administrateur.xxxx> Get-MgUserTransitiveMemberOf -UserId $emailcopyoffice365 | ? {$.AdditionalProperties['mailEnabled'] -eq 'True'} > > Id DeletedDateTime > -- --------------- > b147a1be-99ae-4240-86b0-6b03b9f3124f > > > PS C:\Users\administrateur.xxxx> Get-MgUserTransitiveMemberOf -UserId $emailcopyoffice365 | ? {$.AdditionalProperties['mailEnabled'] -eq 'True'} | Foreach-Object { Get-MgGroup -Filter "Id eq '$($.id)'" } > > Id DisplayName Description GroupTypes > -- ----------- ----------- ---------- > b147a1be-99ae-4240-86b0-6b03b9f3124f dechet-ford-olivet {}
Quelle erreur es-je commis ?
Rich Matheisen 47,596 Reputation points
2023-01-06T16:31:13.44+00:00 What type of authentication are you using?
From the Add-UnifiedGroupLinks help:
Note: You can't use this cmdlet to modify Microsoft 365 Group members, owners, or subscribers if you connect using certificate based authentication (also known as CBA or app-only authentication for unattended scripts) or Azure managed identity. You can use Microsoft Graph instead. For more information, see Group resource type.
Florent GUILLOT 1 Reputation point
2023-01-09T08:58:16.727+00:00 Bonjour,
oui je suis connecté avec un certificat, donc il faut que je trouve la commande équivalent en mode "Graph"?