I'm uncertain what your question really is, and it would have helped if you had given a link to where you found this text. But the text seems correct.
I like to point out that you need to distinguish between logical and physical processing. The above text presumably describes the logical processing.
Consider this query:
SELECT O.OrderID, C.CustomerID, C.CustomerName, C.City, OA.Amount
FROM dbo.Orders O
JOIN dbo.Customers C ON O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID
JOIN (SELECT OD.OrderID, SUM(OD.Quantity * OD.UnitPrice) AS Amount
FROM dbo.[Order Details] OD
WHERE O.OrderDate = '19970421'
Logically the subquery that follows the second JOIN says compute the amount for all orders in the database, which potentially can be expensive.
But when the optimizer takes a look at this, it may decide to first find the orders for 1997-04-21, and then only compute the total for these orders and forget the rest. That is the physical processing.
And, generally, keep in mind that SQL is a declarative language. You state what result you want. The optimizer estimates which the fastest way to compute that result. You need to understand the logical processing to understand what result you get back. But if you are thinking "how can I get this result in an efficient way", you should pay much attention to what the logical processing says.
I am not sure if this answers your question, but if it does not, please clarify.