Hello, I suggest to use a service principal instead of an user account: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/app-objects-and-service-principals#service-principal-object for authenticating applications/services towards another application/service.
MFA - disable for a devops user
Reputation point
Today, my tenancy announced that we have two weeks to implement MFA.
Currently, we cannot do this as the user is in simple scripts for DevOps.
This script always runs inside our private network - and only from one PC.
We do not have any of the premium services for Azure - must I buy one of these if I want to avoid MFA?
We are in the process of leaving this tenancy, but I may need a little more than two weeks to complete the task.
There are only a few active users on this tenancy.
All advice gratefully received.