When we invite Microsoft teams call any of the available member ICommunicationsClient SDK return falls within 18 seconds whereas in Teams UI we will get notification till 30 Seconds

Saravanakumar Ganapathy 5 Reputation points


Using Microsoft.Graph.Communications.Client SDK CommunicationsClientBuilder class, we are making the calls in Teams client.

Using below snippet code,

await this.Client.Calls()[callLegId].Participants

                         .InviteAsync(target, addParticipantBody.ReplacesCallId)


We invite a user/member in the ongoing call.

The problem here is if user is not answering the call till 18 seconds of ring then SDK return false value whereas in the UI side the notification shows up to 30 seconds of rings.

Hence I want as soon as the "FALSE" value return by SDK the Call Notification also needs to be close from UI side as well.

Thanks in advance.


Saravanakumar G.

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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