Hello Yamamoto!
I understand you are asking what kind of commercial support (Investigation of cause of trouble, presentation of workarounds, etc.) if you have trouble caused by OS in a container while running on AKS. Please let me know if my understanding is not correct.
As per this, we understand AKS is not Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution. Basically, if you would need help with the OS container image and that image is not AKS managed, you will not receive support. If you would report an issue for the OS of the AKS node/VM, then support is provided in that case.
Let's take the following example where I am running a pod with a container with "redhat/ubi8" image from Docker Hub on an AKS Ubuntu node. For the container OS (Red Hat), there will be no support, but for the OS of the node (Ubuntu), AKS provides support.
Please note that there is also Microsoft Container Registry (MCR) and for that one, I think there is some sort of support, but not from AKS team specifically (unless the image is AKS managed). If you are interested to use an image from MCR for your app and you want to know if there is support for MCR images, just let me know and I can try to explore more and get back to you.
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