how to resolve a aceoledb.dll!GetModuleMsoSynchronizer error
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I have a IIS asp program that reads a uploaded Excel file and puts the contents into database.
There is a sample source like below:
Set connXLS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connStrXLS = "Provider=Microsoft.Ace.OleDb.12.0;Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;Imex=1;HDR=Yes';Data Source=" & Server.MapPath(strFilePath)
connXLS.Open connStrXLS
When I upload excel file for one , two or three times, there is no problem. But when I uploaded excel file for the fourth time or more, it encounted an error and IIS was hanged. I use the ProcessExplorer to try to find the reason and get the result. It is an error with [aceoledb.dll!getmodulemsosynchronizer+0x28a73]
I closed the connection after all the operation was done like below:
Set connXLS = Nothing
How can I resolve this problem ?
- OS: Windows Server 2016 Datacenter(1607) 64bit
- IIS : Ver10.0.14393
- Excel(server) : Excel 2016(32 bit)
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