How to distinguish an official team from a personal team in Teams
Hi everyone,
Here my issue. MS365 offers a new way of ressources management. People are now a lot more autonomous. They can create their own ressources without an admin support.
MS365 offers many options to manage users's rights. I work in a university and we are shared between, full right for users or full control of their behaviour.
One solution should be to separate "personnal/trash/noisy" ressources made by users themselves and "Official/persistent/secured" ressources managed by Admins and institution.
But it seems that we are not able to identify an official Teams and an unofficial one without putting it in meta data. It may be confusing for users, and for administrators that needs different level of management.
For example, you can have kind of "phising/unofficial" teams with same name or same purpose, one made by the admin and identifying as "official" and one created by a users before or after, for a lack of information for example.
Is there a way to tag an official Teams, like in Twitter when you had the "official" logo next to the account name ?
How can you manage all the data noise made by users without withdrawing all there right to colaborate and create ressources wich is an improvment in modern IT behaviours ?