Need some clarity. I created a M 365 Group specifically to use the audience targeting feature across multiple SharePoint Sites. I discovered that when I'm the M 365 Group Owner, I cannot see the audience targeting webparts for that group. I solved this by going into the Microsoft Admin Centre and also adding myself as a Member, too. As a result, when I checked the SharePoint site with audience targeting webparts, I could now see these items.
So here's the issue, for others who are M 365 Group Owners, that won't have access to the Microsoft Admin Centre, how can they add themselves as Members to the M 365 Groups, too?
I tried adding Owners as Members, too, via:
- Group Settings in Outlook
- Manage Team Settings in Teams
- My Access / My Groups
But couldn't find a solution.
The only workaround I came across was going to the M 365 Group's (Modern-Teams) SharePoint Site and adding Site Owners as Site Members, too, and this seems to update the M 365 Group in the Microsoft Admin Centre.
However, where I'm tripping up is, where do I exactly add Owners as Members to update the M 365 Group, cause, there are three areas in its SharePoint Site that seem to work different:
- From the Homepage - Group membership menu (screenshot 1)
- From the Settings / Site permissions menu (screenshot 2)
- From the Settings / Site permissions / Advance permission settings / SharePoint Group / Members OR Owners (screenshots 3 and 4)
With the above, I noticed that the Site Owners + Member on the Group membership menu (screenshot 1) are not showing in the Site owners + Site members on the Permissions menu (screenshot 2) and none of us are automatically showing up in the (system generated) Owners + Members on the SharePoint People and Groups sections (screenshots 3 and 4).
So what’s the different between adding Owners/Members via the Homepage Group membership menu (screenshot 1) vs Site permissions menu (screenshot 2) vs SharePoint system generated Groups (screenshots 3 and 4)?
And which of these 3 areas will update the M 365 Group?