I wanted to ask here if anyone knows if you use the Software Updates feature for macOS with Intune [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/protect/software-updates-macos does it support all of the MDM commands that Apple have defined for the InstallLater option alongside MaxUserDeferrals.
See the below for further details.
Allow the user to temporarily defer macOS software updates and upgrades
For greater control, in macOS 12.3 or later, you can enforce a particular software update or upgrade while allowing users to defer them a specific number of times. An MDM solution that supports this feature can specify the number of times using the InstallLater
install action, where this number is defined by the MaxUserDeferrals
The install notification is shown approximately once every 24 hours. A deferral occurs when the user closes the notification window or clicks “Remind Me Tomorrow”. The user has the following options for the update or upgrade after they click the notification:
- Install Now: Downloads the update or upgrade and installs it immediately
- Try Tonight: Downloads and installs later
If the user selects this option, based on machine learning from the data over the last 21 days, the Mac finds the best time to download and install the update or upgrade — roughly between 2:00am and 4:00am (it may not always be during this time).
- Remind Me Tomorrow: Defers the update or upgrade until the next day Note: After the maximum number of deferrals has been reached, macOS behaviour incorporates the characteristics of
If the user doesn’t see the notification or ignores it, the update won’t install that evening. The final notification for installation bypasses Do Not Disturb. Also, the number of possible deferrals can be updated by an MDM administrator by issuing a new command. When doing so, the deferral counter on the Mac is reset.