Here example of my data
monthorder int,
SKU int,
groups varchar(50),
sale_count int,
Xprice decimal(10,2),
Yprice decimal(10,2)
MAXprice decimal(10,2)
INSERT into elast VALUES
Can you help me please create query, because i need calculate how much for each sku, of each groups
there is data by monthorder.
For example, here we see for sku =118103 and groups ='electricshop' ,monthorder goes from 202204 to 202212 , 202212-202204=8 I.E. i need that in new column month_
for this concrete sku+groups was put ,cause 8 months because the difference is 8 months.
Then i need create column N which contains number of observations, in 8 months only 6 observations.
And last i need create column which transforms the integer format of monthorder
into a date format like
For example 202204 will be transformed as 01.04.2022.
So in desired output will be added 3 new columns month_diff,N and date for each sku+gpoups
In excel i provided example
How perform this tranformations easy via ssms 18?
Thank you for your help.