VbAProject OTM crashes outlook
I have a large VbaProject.OTM file and experienced crashes of outlook.
Previously I had this problem with 32 Bit Office and my IT department said 64 bit would fix it.
In fact I cumulated a lot of very useful VBA Macros and some are perhaps outdated or dysfunctional.
Now I have a new 64 bit installation, but the crashes still appear even as soon as I open Visualbasic form outlook, so I'm unable to dos anything to reduce the number of macros because I know of no other way to open VBAProject.OTM than to
open Visualbasic from inside Outlook.
Is there any way to export the macros, any way to prevent outlook from crashing so that I can do this?
In excel I can open the vba macro file with a parameter to correct it. Is this possible in Outlook.
The size is 17 824 KB as displayed in windows explorer
I have another .OTM file of 112 KB.
Best regards,