@Kothai Ramanathan Thanks for reaching out. Yes you can configure runAfter behavior on the action except on the action before the trigger. For more details, please refer to this document.
As you can see in the OR condition, I have specified the configure run after behavior on condition action for HTTP action different state (is successful, has timeout out etc.)
Update :
You can configure multiple action for the run after behavior from the Code View of your workflow.
Once you add multiple actions from code view then it will also be visible from designer view.
For your reference adding the CodeView.txt for my workflow. Make sure to add has failed for your next action. In my case I need to add has failed, is Successful on my Initialize variable 2 action.
Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/logic-apps/logic-apps-schema-2016-04-01#runafter-property
Let me know if you have any queries or concerns.
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