Bug in recover backup with 2 login
I come not only to expose a very serious problem, I also seek to recover my data.
Hello everything is fine?
I erased the phone and reinstalled.
And Microsoft Authenticator now has 2 types of login.
1- Log in normally (with a big button).
2- And below, in a very small text ( log in and recover the backup ).
This leads people to many mistakes.
When we enter through the normal button, inside, we click on cloud backup as it is the only option and (we overwrite) the current backup with a NEW backup WITHOUT NOTHING. Do you understand the gravity of this?
I was unable to recover the previous data after overwriting for having logged in by the button.
As a UX professional, that can't happen. The login must and always needs to be UNIQUE. You cannot have 2 different types of logins, under any circumstances.
I come under the guidance of the github people, because they asked me to contact you to retrieve these keys so that I can regain access to github.
And at the guidance of another Microsoft support team, communicate here.
I would like to recover my access and previous backup.
Thank you for your attention.