I want to get progress event when printing using WPF's PrintDialog .

HoneyBee 186 Reputation points

I have a DocumentViewer with a FixedDocument.

And I use System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog to print the document.

pd = PrintDialog Object

pd. Print()


pd.PrintDocument(DocumentPaginator, "")

It proceeds in two forms.

At this time I want to monitor the progress in PrintQueue .

I want to keep showing the currently ongoing Page out of the entire page on the UI thread.

However, no event can be referenced.

Is there any better way?

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  1. billy paxton 0 Reputation points

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  2. Hui Liu-MSFT 38,191 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    The PrintDialog is not using any async API. So printing is synchronous. This means you can't update the UI in realtime.

    As a solution you would have to print the document manually. This allows to use asynchronous APIs. In addition, you get more control over the process (for example you can pick a printer or configure the print job explicitly).

    To allow the user to pick a printer, you would have to create your own custom small dialog.

    A custom DocumentPaginator implementation (RangeDocumentPaginator) is used to support printing page ranges.


    private CancellationTokenSource CancellationTokenSource { get; set; }
    private async Task OnPrintButtonClickedAsync(object sender, EventArgs e)
      DocumentPaginator documentPaginator = ((IDocumentPaginatorSource)this.Document).DocumentPaginator;
      var progressReporter = new Progress<(int PageNumber, int Percentage)>(ReportProgress);
      using var printer = new MyDocumentPrinter();
      this.ProgressBar.Maximum = await printer.GetPageCountAsync(documentPaginator);
      this.CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
        // Print complete document
        await printer.PrintFullDocumentAsync(documentPaginator, progressReporter, this.CancellationTokenSource.Token);
        // Print document pages 1 to 10. 
        // The page numbers must be converted to indices 0 to 9.
        // The method takes a 'Range' as argument. 
        // 'Range' is defined as inclusive start index and exclusive end index.
        // Therefore the 'Range' for the pages 1 to 10 is '0..10'.
        await printer.PrintDocumentPageRangeAsync(documentPaginator, 0..10, progressReporter, this.CancellationTokenSource.Token);
      catch (OperationCanceledException)
        this.CancellationTokenSource = null;
    private void OnCancelButtonClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
      => this.CancellationTokenSource?.Cancel();
    private void ReportProgress((int PageCount, int Percentage) progress) 
      => this.ProgressBar.Value = progress.PageCount;


    public class MyDocumentPrinter : IDisposable
      private TaskCompletionSource PrintTaskCompletionSource { get; set; }
      private TaskCompletionSource<int> ComputePagesTaskCompletionSource { get; set; }
      private PrintServer PrintServer { get; }
      private IProgress<(int PageNumber, int Percentage)> CurrentProgressReporter { get; set; }
      private bool IsPrintJobPending { get; set; }
      private CancellationToken CancellationToken { get; set; }
      public MyDocumentPrinter() => this.PrintServer = new LocalPrintServer();
      public Task<int> GetPageCountAsync(DocumentPaginator documentPaginator)
        this.CancellationToken = CancellationToken.None;
        if (!documentPaginator.IsPageCountValid)
          this.ComputePagesTaskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<int>(TaskCreationOptions.None);
          documentPaginator.ComputePageCountCompleted += OnCountingPagesCompleted;
          return this.ComputePagesTaskCompletionSource.Task;
        return Task.FromResult(documentPaginator.PageCount);
      public async Task PrintFullDocumentAsync(DocumentPaginator documentPaginator, IProgress<(int PageNumber, int Percentage)> progressReporter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        => await PrintDocumentPageRangeAsync(documentPaginator, .., progressReporter, cancellationToken);
      public Task PrintDocumentPageRangeAsync(DocumentPaginator documentPaginator, Range pageIndexRange, IProgress<(int PageNumber, int Percentage)> progressReporter, CancellationToken cancellationToke)
        this.CancellationToken = cancellationToken;
        this.IsPrintJobPending = true;
        this.CurrentProgressReporter = progressReporter;
        this.PrintTaskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource(TaskCreationOptions.None);
        var rangeDocumentPaginator = new MyRangeDocumentPaginator(documentPaginator, pageIndexRange);
        if (!rangeDocumentPaginator.IsPageCountValid)
          this.ComputePagesTaskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<int>(TaskCreationOptions.None);
          rangeDocumentPaginator.ComputePageCountCompleted += OnCountingPagesCompleted;
          return this.PrintTaskCompletionSource.Task;
        this.IsPrintJobPending = false;
        return this.PrintTaskCompletionSource.Task;
      private void StartPrintJob(DocumentPaginator documentPaginator)
        /* Select the destination printer */
        // Optionally show a custom printer picker dialog
        PrintQueue destinationPrinter = GetPrintQueueFromUser(printServer);
        // Alternatively use the default printer
        PrintQueue destinationPrinter = printServer.DefaultPrintQueue;
        // Alternatively, pick a particular printer explicitly e.g., native PDF printer
        PrintQueue destinationPrinter = this.PrintServer.GetPrintQueue("Microsoft Print to PDF");
        /* Start the printing */
        // Create a XpsDocumentWriter that writes to the printer queue
        XpsDocumentWriter documentWriter = PrintQueue.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(destinationPrinter);
        documentWriter.WritingProgressChanged += OnPrintProgressChanged;
        documentWriter.WritingCompleted += OnPrintingCompleted;
      private PrintQueue GetPrintQueueFromUser(PrintServer printServer)
        PrintQueueCollection printers = printServer.GetPrintQueues();
        // TODO::Implement MyPrinterPickerDialog (extend Window)
        var myPrinterPickerDialog = new MyPrinterPickerDialog(printers);
        return myPrinterPickerDialog.SelectedPrintQueue;
      private void OnCountingPagesCompleted(object sender,
          System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
        var documentPaginator = sender as DocumentPaginator;
        documentPaginator.ComputePageCountCompleted -= OnCountingPagesCompleted;
        if (this.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
          _ = this.ComputePagesTaskCompletionSource.TrySetResult(documentPaginator.PageCount);
        if (this.IsPrintJobPending)
      private void OnPrintProgressChanged(object sender, WritingProgressChangedEventArgs e)
        var documentPrinter = sender as XpsDocumentWriter;
        this.CurrentProgressReporter.Report((e.Number, e.ProgressPercentage));
        if (this.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
          documentPrinter.WritingCancelled += OnPrintingCancelled;
      private void OnPrintingCancelled(object sender, WritingCancelledEventArgs e)
        var documentPrinter = sender as XpsDocumentWriter;
        documentPrinter.WritingCancelled -= OnPrintingCancelled;
      private void OnPrintingCompleted(object sender, WritingCompletedEventArgs e)
        // TODO::Handle errors by checking event args
        documentWriter.WritingCompleted -= OnPrintingCompleted;
        documentWriter.WritingProgressChanged -= OnPrintProgressChanged;
        _ = this.PrintTaskCompletionSource.TrySetResult();
      private bool disposedValue;
      protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (!this.disposedValue)
          if (disposing)
          // TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override finalizer
          // TODO: set large fields to null
          this.disposedValue = true;
      // // TODO: override finalizer only if 'Dispose(bool disposing)' has code to free unmanaged resources
      // ~MyDocumentPrinter()
      // {
      //     // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in 'Dispose(bool disposing)' method
      //     Dispose(disposing: false);
      // }
      public void Dispose()
        // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in 'Dispose(bool disposing)' method
        Dispose(disposing: true);


    internal class MyRangeDocumentPaginator : DocumentPaginator
      protected MyRangeDocumentPaginator() : base() { }
      public MyRangeDocumentPaginator(DocumentPaginator documentPaginator, Range pageNumberRange)
    this.DocumentPaginator = documentPaginator;
    this.PageIndexRange = pageNumberRange;
    if (!this.DocumentPaginator.IsPageCountValid)
      this.DocumentPaginator.ComputePageCountCompleted += OnPageCountCompleted;
      private void ThrowIfPageRangeIsInvalid()
    if (this.PageIndexRange.Start.Value < 0
      || this.PageIndexRange.End.Value > this.DocumentPaginator.PageCount)
      throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
      private void OnPageCountCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
    => ThrowIfPageRangeIsInvalid();
      public override DocumentPage GetPage(int pageIndex)
    // XpsDocumentWriter will always start with page index 0.
    // We have to use the start page index as offset
    // to return the correct pages of the range from the underlying document.
    // XpsDocumentWriter will use the PageCount property to know how many pages it can fetch.
    // We have manipulated the PageCount property to return the count of the pages contained within the range.
    int pageOffset = this.PageIndexRange.Start.Value;
    pageIndex += pageOffset;
    return pageIndex < this.PageIndexRange.Start.Value
      || (pageIndex >= this.PageIndexRange.End.Value && !this.IsRangeFullDocument)
        ? DocumentPage.Missing
        : this.DocumentPaginator.GetPage(pageIndex);
      public override bool IsPageCountValid => this.DocumentPaginator.IsPageCountValid;
      public override int PageCount
      int range = this.PageIndexRange.End.Value - this.PageIndexRange.Start.Value;
      return this.IsRangeFullDocument
        ? this.DocumentPaginator.PageCount
        : range;
      public override Size PageSize { get => this.DocumentPaginator.PageSize; set => this.DocumentPaginator.PageSize = value; }
      public override IDocumentPaginatorSource Source => this.DocumentPaginator.Source;
      public Range PageIndexRange { get; set; }
      public bool IsRangeFullDocument => this.PageIndexRange.Equals(Range.All);
      private DocumentPaginator DocumentPaginator { get; }

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