as far as I know, the MFC EditBrowse Control only supports one file or one directory. There is no flag to enable multiple file selection.
Read the documentation: cmfceditbrowsectrl-class
You could for example use a listbox to show multiple files and a mfc browse control to add one more file to the listbox.
Regards, Guido
MFC EditBrowse Control for multi selection.
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I am quite new to MFC App designing. I want to develop a simple UI to open multiple files (images).
How can I enable EditBrowse control button for multiple files to get names of more than one files?
Thanks in advance.
Accepted answer
Guido Franzke 2,186 Reputation points
1 additional answer
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P M Sherwood 6 Reputation points
2021-11-24T06:18:06.86+00:00 From the documentation for
Class :void EnableFileBrowseButton( LPCTSTR lpszDefExt=NULL, LPCTSTR lpszFilter=NULL, DWORD dwFlags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT);
Use this member function and include
in the flags argument. It works just as inCFileDialog