Hi tefanVarga,
Our forum focuses on Visual Studio IDE.
For the related questions about WMI writer, you can post here: Stack Overflow tagged wmi.
Thanks for your understanding.
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Hi, Several VMs W2012R2 are running on vmware ESX 6.5U3. There is a netbackup server which is connecting to vCenter server and takes backups of each machine (via api, no netbackup client installed on each VM). After upgrade from 6.5U1 to 6.5U3 + latest hotfix, on 4 VMs is failing backup, other Windows and Linux VMs are backup up without issues. There are errors with WMI writer, WMI writer failed state 9, last error timeout. After restart of Windows Management Instrumentation service, all writers are stable and OK. Manually initiated backup from Netbackup server fails again and WMI writer becomes failed with timeout error. I tried to re-register VSS writers - https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/5162e2fe-91e0-4f63-be2f-5d983daeaa8e/system-state-backup-issue-quotwmi-writerquot-failed?forum=windowsbackup Writers looks fine again, but backup fails and writers is again failed Systemstatebackup via wbadmin works fine , but System Writer is used for this backup , not WMI. Can you help me to fix this issue ? Thanks for hints.
Hi tefanVarga,
Our forum focuses on Visual Studio IDE.
For the related questions about WMI writer, you can post here: Stack Overflow tagged wmi.
Thanks for your understanding.