You don't set that on the host. You set it on each VM.
In Failover Cluster Manager:
- Highlight a VM.
- At the very bottom of the lower pane, click to the Resources tab. It starts on the Summary tab.
- The Resources tab shows at least a Virtual Machine item. Right-click on that and click Properties.
- In the Virtual Machine Properties window, switch to the Advanced Policies tab.
- In the upper part of the dialog box, you will find a list box of checked items called Possible Owners. Unselect the hosts that you want to prevent from hosting the VM.
- Repeat 1-5 for all other VMs.
PowerShell can be kind of a pain because there isn't a wonderful bridge between the VM objects and their cluster resources. But once, you figure it out, it's a lot faster and less obnoxious than dipping in and out of the GUI a bunch of times.
First, discover the names of your virtual machine resources:
That will list every resource on your cluster. While it's possible to rename them, it's unlikely that anyone has done that. So, your virtual machine resources will almost certainly look like this: "Virtual Machine VM1".
Then you can set possible owners like this:
Set-ClusterResource -Resource 'Virtual Machine VM1' -Owners 'NODE1'
and on the others like this:
Set-ClusterResource -Resource 'Virtual Machine VM30' -Owners 'NODE2', 'NODE2', 'NODE3'
You can batch them with something like this:
1..10 | % { Set-ClusterResource -Resource "Virtual Machine VM$_" -Owners 'NODE1' }
There are any number of ways to filter names and pass them via the pipeline.