Connect to linux remote server

NALB 61 Reputation points

Hello ,

I wanna connect to Linux remote server that has python files on it ..

what I wanna do is to run python command inside my local code after I connect to the remote server ...

i have several question in order to do so :

1- Does the remote server need to have c# and .net ?

2- I have done same as what is written insider the document ( but i get an error that after the connection to the server it disconnected as below code .. so what can i do ?

14:50:07.9344204 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.RemoteSystemBase: Connecting over SSH to xx 14:50:09.0475510 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.IO.RemoteFileSystemImpl: Connecting over SFTP to xx 14:50:11.6801217 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "cat /etc/os-release" finished with exit code 0 after 284.0927ms 14:50:11.9691471 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "uname -m" finished with exit code 0 after 287.4042ms 14:50:12.2671430 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "uname -r" finished with exit code 0 after 297.674ms 14:50:12.5543980 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "g++ -v" finished with exit code 0 after 285.89ms 14:50:12.8447590 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "clang++ -v" finished with exit code 127 after 290.4586ms 14:50:13.1514380 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "gdbserver --version" finished with exit code 127 after 305.803ms 14:50:13.4367602 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "gcc -v" finished with exit code 0 after 285.6167ms 14:50:13.7230142 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "gdb -v" finished with exit code 127 after 285.5172ms 14:50:14.0118508 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "/usr/bin/gdb -v" finished with exit code 127 after 288.6171ms 14:50:14.2958610 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "/usr/local/bin/gdb -v" finished with exit code 127 after 284.2163ms 14:50:14.7890540 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "rsync -v" finished with exit code 1 after 493.3741ms 14:50:15.0756879 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "lldb -v" finished with exit code 127 after 286.3234ms 14:50:15.3684363 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "ninja --version" finished with exit code 127 after 292.1228ms 14:50:15.6542143 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "cmake --version" finished with exit code 127 after 285.0863ms 14:50:15.9394030 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "make -v" finished with exit code 0 after 285.5744ms 14:50:15.9403973 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.RemoteSystemBase: Disconnecting over SSH from "xx" 14:50:15.9403973 [Info, Thread 1]	liblinux.IO.RemoteFileSystemImpl: Disconnecting over SFTP from xx

An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
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A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
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