CDN endpoint - custom domain - cdnverify process
We have a complex scenario where some of our users must route through two proxy servers and then to the CDN while others can hit the CDN directly. Both groups use different domains.For the users who route through the proxy servers, our public DNS must point to our proxy servers and not directly to the CDN.We used the [] CNAME technique in order to add our proxied domain to the CDN and this works. Now our [] points to our proxy server, the proxy server routes to the Azure CDN at [], and the CDN receives the request and responds to it as [].We understand the use of cdnverify is intended to be temporary and you ultimately point your domain to the CDN but in our case we never intend to point our domain to the CDN. Can we expect that the CDN will continue working in this manner without having the real domain pointed to it or will this eventually stop working?