Hello @Saurabh Shukla,
good question, it seems this is not documented yet.
I checked the documentation but the Azure Data Explorer output is not listed yet.
I also tried the AZ command after upgrading it:
az extension add --name stream-analytics
az upgrade
az interactive
This also did not expose the right output creation command.
I then tried something like:
az stream-analytics output create --job-name "bl-weu-asa" --datasource "{\"type\":\"Microsoft.Kusto/Table\",\"properties\":{\"authenticationMode\":\"Msi\",\"cluster\":\"https://testadx.westeurope.kusto.windows.net\",\"database\":\"bldata\",\"table\":\"Heartbeat\"}}" --output-name "testadx" --resource-group "bl-weu-rg"
I had to guess "Microsoft.Kusto/Table" because the 'az stream-analytics output show does not tell us what the type of an ADX output is:
Next to that, my JSON was not accepted... no clue why.
So, this did also not work...
Sorry, for as far as I know, this output is still in preview. I think that is why this seems to be undocumented.
I created this issue with a request for documenting it.
If the response helped, do "Accept Answer". If it doesn't work, please let us know the progress. All community members with similar issues will benefit by doing so. Your contribution is highly appreciated.