Hello Gary
I believe u are looking for this>
Power shell:
azcopy copy "https://<source-storage-account>.blob.core.windows.net/<container-name>/" "https://<destination-storage-account>.blob.core.windows.net/<container-name>/" --recursive --source-sas "<source-sas-token>" --destination-sas "<destination-sas-token>" --source-location "SoutheastAsia" --destination-location "AustraliaEast"
<source-storage-account>: The name of the source storage account.
<container-name>: The name of the container you want to copy.
<destination-storage-account>: The name of the destination storage account.
<source-sas-token>: The Shared Access Signature (SAS) token for the source container.
<destination-sas-token>: The Shared Access Signature (SAS) token for the destination container.
SoutheastAsia: The source location from where you want to copy the data.
AustraliaEast: The destination location where you want to copy the data.
and don't forget to generate SAS tokens for both location , the permission of azcopy to access the containers and storage account.
I rrly hope this is help u.
Good luck!
And please, if this is help u, don't forget to upvote.