Microsoft Advertising API
A Microsoft API that provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertising to manage large campaigns or to integrate your marketing with other in-house systems.
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I have a code running for a bit more than a year now that create a page feed using the bulk api.
It doesn't work anymore, each time the result file only contains headers, there is no data.
The page feed is not created in the UI either.
I tried to replicate my issue using the example from this github and I can confirm it doesn't work
Here is my code (I have only hidden the connexion and service creation):
from bingads.v13.bulk import BulkFeed, BulkFileWriter, FileUploadParameters, BulkFileReader, ResultFileType
from helper import bulk_service_manager
# The directory for the bulk files.
FILE_DIRECTORY = 'c:/data/report/'
# The name of the bulk download file.
DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME = 'download.csv'
# The name of the bulk upload file.
UPLOAD_FILE_NAME = 'upload.csv'
# The name of the bulk upload result file.
RESULT_FILE_NAME = 'result.csv'
# The bulk file extension type as a string.
# The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that you want to wait for the bulk download or upload.
def output_percent_complete(progress):
print("Percent Complete: {0}".format(progress.percent_complete))
def write_entities_and_upload_file(bulk_service_manager, upload_entities):
# Writes the specified entities to a local file and uploads the file. We could have uploaded directly
# without writing to file. This example writes to file as an exercise so that you can view the structure
# of the bulk records being uploaded as needed.
for entity in upload_entities:
file_upload_parameters = FileUploadParameters(
bulk_file_path = bulk_service_manager.upload_file(file_upload_parameters, progress=output_percent_complete)
download_entities = []
entities_generator = read_entities_from_bulk_file(file_path=bulk_file_path, result_file_type=ResultFileType.upload, file_type=FILE_TYPE)
for entity in entities_generator:
return download_entities
def download_file(bulk_service_manager, download_parameters):
bulk_file_path = bulk_service_manager.download_file(download_parameters, progress=output_percent_complete)
download_entities = []
entities_generator = read_entities_from_bulk_file(file_path=bulk_file_path, result_file_type=ResultFileType.full_download, file_type=FILE_TYPE)
for entity in entities_generator:
return download_entities
def read_entities_from_bulk_file(file_path, result_file_type, file_type):
with BulkFileReader(file_path=file_path, result_file_type=result_file_type, file_type=file_type) as reader:
for entity in reader:
yield entity
if __name__ == '__main__':
bulk_feed = BulkFeed() = "test pagefeed" = FEED_ID_KEY
bulk_feed.status = 'Active'
bulk_feed.sub_type = 'PageFeed'
custom_attribute_0 = {'feedAttributeType': 'Url', 'name': 'Page Url', 'isPartOfKey': True}
custom_attribute_1 = {'feedAttributeType': 'StringList', 'name': 'Custom Label'}
bulk_feed.custom_attributes = [custom_attribute_0, custom_attribute_1]
upload_entities = [bulk_feed]
download_entities = write_entities_and_upload_file(
It create a file "upload.csv" that contains
Type,Status,Id,Parent Id,Sub Type,Campaign,Ad Group,Website,Sync Time,Client Id,Modified Time,Multi Media Ad Bid Adjustment,Use Optimized Targeting,Dynamic Description Enabled,Verified Tracking Setting,Time Zone,Budget,Budget Type,Budget Name,Budget Id,Start Date,End Date,Network Distribution,Ad Rotation,Cpc Bid,Cpv Bid,Cpm Bid,Language,Privacy Status,Ad Group Type,Hotel Ad Group Type,Commission Rate,Percent Cpc Bid,Ad Group Hotel Listing Group,Hotel Attribute,Hotel Attribute Value,Transaction Id,Title,Text,Text Part 2,Display Url,Destination Url,Business Name,Phone Number,Promotion,Editorial Status,Editorial Location,Editorial Term,Editorial Reason Code,Editorial Appeal Status,Device Preference,Keyword,Match Type,Bid,Param1,Param2,Param3,Target,Target All,Bid Adjustment,Cashback Percent,Radius Target Id,Name,OS Names,Radius,Unit,Business Id,From Hour,From Minute,To Hour,To Minute,Profile,Profile Id,Version,Disclaimer Ads Enabled,Disclaimer Name,Disclaimer Title,Disclaimer Layout,Disclaimer Popup Text,Disclaimer Line Text,Sitelink Extension Order,Sitelink Extension Link Text,Sitelink Extension Destination Url,Sitelink Extension Description1,Sitelink Extension Description2,Geo Code Status,Business Icon,Address Line 1,Address Line 2,Postal Code,City,State Or Province Code,Province Name,Latitude,Longitude,Country Code,Call Only,Call Tracking Enabled,Toll Free,Structured Snippet Header,Structured Snippet Values,Alternative Text,Media Ids,Publisher Countries,Layouts,Display Text,AdExtension Header Type,Texts,Height,Width,Source Url,Aspect Ratio,Duration In Milliseconds,Callout Text,Flyer Ad Extension,Account Flyer Ad Extension,Campaign Flyer Ad Extension,Ad Group Flyer Ad Extension,Flyer Name,Media Urls,Thumbnail Url,Thumbnail Id,Video Id,Store Id,Store Name,Product Condition 1,Product Value 1,Product Condition 2,Product Value 2,Product Condition 3,Product Value 3,Product Condition 4,Product Value 4,Product Condition 5,Product Value 5,Product Condition 6,Product Value 6,Product Condition 7,Product Value 7,Product Condition 8,Product Value 8,Spend,Impressions,Clicks,CTR,Avg CPC,Avg CPM,Avg position,Conversions,CPA,Quality Score,Keyword Relevance,Landing Page Relevance,Landing Page User Experience,App Platform,App Id,Tracking Enabled,Error,Error Number,Is Excluded,Parent Criterion Id,Campaign Type,Priority,LocalInventoryAdsEnabled,Traffic Split Percent,Base Campaign Id,Experiment Campaign Id,Experiment Id,Experiment Type,Bid Option,Bid Boost Value,Maximum Bid,Field Path,Final Url,Mobile Final Url,Tracking Template,Custom Parameter,Is Exact,Source,Url,Price Extension Type,Header 1,Header 2,Header 3,Header 4,Header 5,Header 6,Header 7,Header 8,Price Description 1,Price Description 2,Price Description 3,Price Description 4,Price Description 5,Price Description 6,Price Description 7,Price Description 8,Final Url 1,Final Url 2,Final Url 3,Final Url 4,Final Url 5,Final Url 6,Final Url 7,Final Url 8,Final Mobile Url 1,Final Mobile Url 2,Final Mobile Url 3,Final Mobile Url 4,Final Mobile Url 5,Final Mobile Url 6,Final Mobile Url 7,Final Mobile Url 8,Price 1,Price 2,Price 3,Price 4,Price 5,Price 6,Price 7,Price 8,Currency Code 1,Currency Code 2,Currency Code 3,Currency Code 4,Currency Code 5,Currency Code 6,Currency Code 7,Currency Code 8,Price Unit 1,Price Unit 2,Price Unit 3,Price Unit 4,Price Unit 5,Price Unit 6,Price Unit 7,Price Unit 8,Price Qualifier 1,Price Qualifier 2,Price Qualifier 3,Price Qualifier 4,Price Qualifier 5,Price Qualifier 6,Price Qualifier 7,Price Qualifier 8,Bid Strategy Id,Bid Strategy Name,Bid Strategy Type,Bid Strategy MaxCpc,Bid Strategy TargetCpa,Bid Strategy TargetRoas,Inherited Bid Strategy Type,Bid Strategy TargetAdPosition,Bid Strategy TargetImpressionShare,Bid Strategy CommissionRate,Bid Strategy PercentMaxCpc,Ad Format Preference,Audience,Description,Membership Duration,Scope,UET Tag Id,Audience Id,Target Setting,Remarketing Rule,Audience Search Size,Audience Network Size,Supported Campaign Types,Product Audience Type,Source Id,Combination Rule,Title Part 1,Title Part 2,Title Part 3,Path 1,Path 2,Domain,Call To Action,Headline,Images,Landscape Image Media Id,Landscape Logo Media Id,Long Headline,Long Headlines,Square Image Media Id,Square Logo Media Id,Impression Tracking Urls,Headlines,Descriptions,Call To Action Language,Videos,Ad Schedule,Use Searcher Time Zone,Ad Schedule Use Searcher Time Zone,Action Type,Action Text,Promotion Target,Discount Modifier,Percent Off,Money Amount Off,Promotion Code,Orders Over Amount,Occasion,Promotion Start,Promotion End,Currency Code,Domain Language,Dynamic Ad Target Condition 1,Dynamic Ad Target Value 1,Dynamic Ad Target Condition 2,Dynamic Ad Target Value 2,Dynamic Ad Target Condition 3,Dynamic Ad Target Value 3,Dynamic Ad Target Condition Operator 1,Dynamic Ad Target Condition Operator 2,Dynamic Ad Target Condition Operator 3,Page Feed Ids,Feed Id,Color,Label,Conversion Currency Code,Conversion Name,Conversion Time,Conversion Value,Microsoft Click Id,Adjustment Value,Adjustment Time,Adjustment Currency Code,Adjustment Type,External Attribution Credit,External Attribution Model,MSCLKID Auto Tagging Enabled,Include View Through Conversions,Profile Expansion Enabled,Ad Click Parallel Tracking,Auto Apply Recommendations,Allow Image Auto Retrieve,Business Attributes,Final Url Suffix,Custom Attributes,Feed Name,Physical Intent,Target Ad Group Id,Target Campaign Id,Schedule,Goal Id,AdCustomizer DataType,AdCustomizer AttributeValue,Min Target Value,Max Target Value
Format Version,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Feed,Active,-21,,PageFeed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"[{""feedAttributeType"": ""Url"", ""name"": ""Page Url"", ""isPartOfKey"": true}, {""feedAttributeType"": ""StringList"", ""name"": ""Custom Label""}]",test pagefeed,,,,,,,,,
But it then download the result.csv which doesn't contain the feed information (and the feed isn't created), the content is:
Type,Status,Id,Parent Id,Sub Type,Campaign,Ad Group,Asset Group,Website,Sync Time,Client Id,Modified Time,MSCLKID Auto Tagging Enabled,Include View Through Conversions,Profile Expansion Enabled,Features,Tracking Template,Final Url Suffix,Custom Parameter,Final Url,Mobile Final Url,Ad Click Parallel Tracking,Verified Tracking Setting,Auto Apply Recommendations,Allow Image Auto Retrieve,Business Attributes,Time Zone,Budget Id,Budget Name,Budget,Budget Type,Bid Strategy Id,Bid Strategy Name,Bid Strategy Type,Bid Strategy MaxCpc,Bid Strategy TargetCpa,Bid Strategy TargetRoas,Bid Strategy TargetAdPosition,Bid Strategy TargetImpressionShare,Inherited Bid Strategy Type,KeywordVariantMatchEnabled,Campaign Type,Priority,LocalInventoryAdsEnabled,Campaign Goal,Is Lead Gen Campaign,ShoppableAdsEnabled,RSA Auto Generated Assets Enabled,Start Date,End Date,Network Distribution,Ad Rotation,Cpc Bid,Cpm Bid,Cpv Bid,Mcpa Bid,Language,Target Setting,Privacy Status,Bid Option,Bid Boost Value,Ad Group Type,Hotel Ad Group Type,Percent Cpc Bid,Commission Rate,Placement,Canvas,Lead Gen SOV,Use Optimized Targeting,Boost Publisher IDs,Boost Account IDs,Boost AdUnit IDs,Frequency Cap Settings,Title,Text,Display Url,Domain,Destination Url,Business Name,Phone Number,Promotion,Editorial Status,Editorial Location,Editorial Term,Editorial Reason Code,Editorial Appeal Status,Editorial Entity Id,Device Preference,Ad Format Preference,Title Part 1,Title Part 2,Title Part 3,Text Part 2,Path 1,Path 2,Source Ad Id,Keyword,Match Type,Bid,Param1,Param2,Param3,Target,Physical Intent,Bid Adjustment,Radius Target Id,Name,OS Names,Radius,Unit,Business Id,From Hour,From Minute,To Hour,To Minute,Min Target Value,Max Target Value,Version,Ad Schedule,Use Searcher Time Zone,Sitelink Extension Order,Sitelink Extension Link Text,Sitelink Extension Destination Url,Sitelink Extension Description1,Sitelink Extension Description2,Geo Code Status,Map Icon,Business Icon,Address Line 1,Address Line 2,Postal Code,City,State Or Province Code,Province Name,Latitude,Longitude,StoreCode,SundayHours,MondayHours,TuesdayHours,WednesdayHours,ThursdayHours,FridayHours,SaturdayHours,SpecialHours,LogoPhotoURL,GoogleIdentifier,Country Code,Call Only,Call Tracking Enabled,Toll Free,Alternative Text,Media Ids,Display Text,Layouts,Publisher Countries,Store Id,Product Operator 1,Product Operator 2,Product Operator 3,Product Operator 4,Product Operator 5,Product Operator 6,Product Operator 7,Product Operator 8,Product Condition 1,Product Value 1,Product Condition 2,Product Value 2,Product Condition 3,Product Value 3,Product Condition 4,Product Value 4,Product Condition 5,Product Value 5,Product Condition 6,Product Value 6,Product Condition 7,Product Value 7,Action Text,Callout Text,Feed Id,Feed Type Id,Flyer Name,Media Urls,Action Name,Action Description,Corporate Image,Media Url,Form Headline,Form Business Name,Form Description,Form Policy Url,Form Questions,Confirmation Message,Confirmation Description,Confirmation Action,Confirmation Url,Lead Delivery,Lead Emails,Lead Webhook Url,Lead Webhook Key,Price Extension Type,Header 1,Header 2,Header 3,Header 4,Header 5,Header 6,Header 7,Header 8,Price Description 1,Price Description 2,Price Description 3,Price Description 4,Price Description 5,Price Description 6,Price Description 7,Price Description 8,Final Url 1,Final Url 2,Final Url 3,Final Url 4,Final Url 5,Final Url 6,Final Url 7,Final Url 8,Final Mobile Url 1,Final Mobile Url 2,Final Mobile Url 3,Final Mobile Url 4,Final Mobile Url 5,Final Mobile Url 6,Final Mobile Url 7,Final Mobile Url 8,Price 1,Price 2,Price 3,Price 4,Price 5,Price 6,Price 7,Price 8,Currency Code 1,Currency Code 2,Currency Code 3,Currency Code 4,Currency Code 5,Currency Code 6,Currency Code 7,Currency Code 8,Price Unit 1,Price Unit 2,Price Unit 3,Price Unit 4,Price Unit 5,Price Unit 6,Price Unit 7,Price Unit 8,Price Qualifier 1,Price Qualifier 2,Price Qualifier 3,Price Qualifier 4,Price Qualifier 5,Price Qualifier 6,Price Qualifier 7,Price Qualifier 8,Promotion Target,Discount Modifier,Percent Off,Money Amount Off,Promotion Code,Orders Over Amount,Occasion,Promotion Start,Promotion End,Currency Code,Is Exact,Video Id,Thumbnail Id,Video Status,Video Url,Structured Snippet Header,Structured Snippet Values,AdExtension Header Type,Texts,Spend,Impressions,Clicks,CTR,Avg CPC,Avg CPM,Avg position,Conversions,CPA,Quality Score,Keyword Relevance,Landing Page Relevance,Landing Page User Experience,App Platform,App Id,Tracking Enabled,App Status,Error,Error Number,Field Path,Error Detail,Is Excluded,Parent Criterion Id,Audience,Audience Id,Scope,Membership Duration,UET Tag Id,Description,Remarketing Rule,Audience Search Size,Audience Network Size,Product Audience Type,Supported Campaign Types,Source Id,Domain Language,Source,Dynamic Description Enabled,Dynamic Ad Target Condition 1,Dynamic Ad Target Condition 2,Dynamic Ad Target Condition 3,Dynamic Ad Target Condition Operator 1,Dynamic Ad Target Condition Operator 2,Dynamic Ad Target Condition Operator 3,Dynamic Ad Target Value 1,Dynamic Ad Target Value 2,Dynamic Ad Target Value 3,Label,Color,Microsoft Click Id,Conversion Name,Conversion Value,Conversion Time,Conversion Currency Code,Adjustment Value,Adjustment Time,Adjustment Currency Code,Adjustment Type,External Attribution Credit,External Attribution Model,Transaction Id,Bid Type,Hotel,Hotel Group,Sub Account,Maximum Bid,Partner HotelId,Bid Multiplier Source,Site MapResults,Site LocalUniversal,Site PropertyPromotionAd,Device Desktop,Device Mobile,Device Tablet,Length of Stay 1,Length of Stay 2,Length of Stay 3,Length of Stay 4,Length of Stay 5,Length of Stay 6,Length of Stay 7,Length of Stay 8,Length of Stay 9,Length of Stay 10,Length of Stay 11,Length of Stay 12,Length of Stay 13,Length of Stay 14,Length of Stay 15,Length of Stay 16,Length of Stay 17,Length of Stay 18,Length of Stay 19,Length of Stay 20,Length of Stay 21,Length of Stay 22,Length of Stay 23,Length of Stay 24,Length of Stay 25,Length of Stay 26,Length of Stay 27,Length of Stay 28,Length of Stay 29,Length of Stay 30,Country DZ,Country AR,Country AU,Country AT,Country BE,Country BR,Country CA,Country CL,Country CN,Country TW,Country CO,Country DK,Country FI,Country FR,Country DE,Country IN,Country ID,Country IE,Country IT,Country LY,Country MY,Country MX,Country MA,Country NL,Country NZ,Country NO,Country PE,Country PH,Country SG,Country VN,Country ES,Country SE,Country CH,Country TH,Country EG,Country GB,Country US,Country HK,Country VE,Country BH,Country JO,Country KW,Country LB,Country OM,Country QA,Country SA,Country AE,Country YE,Country TN,Country IQ,Country AL,Country AQ,Country AS,Country AD,Country AO,Country AG,Country BS,Country BD,Country BB,Country BM,Country BT,Country BO,Country BW,Country BZ,Country SB,Country VG,Country BN,Country BG,Country MM,Country BI,Country BY,Country KH,Country CM,Country CV,Country KY,Country CF,Country LK,Country TD,Country CX,Country CC,Country YT,Country CG,Country CD,Country CK,Country CR,Country HR,Country CZ,Country BJ,Country DM,Country DO,Country EC,Country SV,Country GQ,Country ET,Country ER,Country EE,Country FO,Country FK,Country GF,Country PF,Country DJ,Country GA,Country GM,Country GH,Country GI,Country KI,Country GR,Country GL,Country GD,Country GP,Country GU,Country GT,Country GN,Country GY,Country HT,Country VA,Country HN,Country HU,Country IS,Country CI,Country JM,Country JP,Country KZ,Country KE,Country KR,Country KG,Country LA,Country LS,Country LV,Country LR,Country LI,Country LT,Country LU,Country MG,Country MW,Country MV,Country ML,Country MT,Country MQ,Country MR,Country MU,Country MC,Country MN,Country MD,Country MS,Country MZ,Country NA,Country NR,Country NP,Country AN,Country AW,Country NC,Country VU,Country NI,Country NE,Country NG,Country NF,Country MP,Country FM,Country MH,Country PW,Country PK,Country PA,Country PG,Country PY,Country PN,Country PL,Country PT,Country GW,Country PR,Country RE,Country RU,Country RW,Country AI,Country SM,Country ST,Country SN,Country SC,Country SL,Country SK,Country SI,Country ZA,Country ZW,Country SR,Country SZ,Country TJ,Country TG,Country TK,Country TO,Country TT,Country TR,Country TM,Country TC,Country UG,Country MK,Country TZ,Country BF,Country UY,Country UZ,Country WF,Country WS,Country ZM,Country BA,Country FJ,Country MO,Country AZ,Country AM,Country CY,Country GE,Country IL,Country PS,Country AF,Country TL,Country NU,Country RO,Country SO,Country KM,Country SH,Country KN,Country LC,Country PM,Country VC,Country TV,Country UA,Country VI,Country RS,Country ME,Checkin Monday,Checkin Tuesday,Checkin Wednesday,Checkin Thursday,Checkin Friday,Checkin Saturday,Checkin Sunday,DateType Default,DateType Selected,Advance Booking Window Min Days 1,Advance Booking Window Min Days 2,Advance Booking Window Min Days 3,Advance Booking Window Min Days 4,Advance Booking Window Min Days 5,Advance Booking Window Min Days 6,Advance Booking Window Min Days 7,Advance Booking Window Min Days 8,Advance Booking Window Min Days 9,Advance Booking Window Min Days 10,Advance Booking Window Multiplier 1,Advance Booking Window Multiplier 2,Advance Booking Window Multiplier 3,Advance Booking Window Multiplier 4,Advance Booking Window Multiplier 5,Advance Booking Window Multiplier 6,Advance Booking Window Multiplier 7,Advance Booking Window Multiplier 8,Advance Booking Window Multiplier 9,Advance Booking Window Multiplier 10,Call To Action,Call To Action Language,Headline,Long Headline,Landscape Image Media Id,Square Image Media Id,Landscape Logo Media Id,Square Logo Media Id,Images,Impression Tracking Urls,Videos,Headlines,Long Headlines,Descriptions,HotSpots,Profile,Profile Id,Traffic Split Percent,Base Campaign Id,Experiment Campaign Id,Experiment Id,Experiment Type,Feed Name,Custom Attributes,Page Feed Ids,Target Campaign Id,Target Ad Group Id,Schedule,Disclaimer Ads Enabled,Disclaimer Title,Disclaimer Name,Disclaimer Layout,Disclaimer Popup Text,Disclaimer Line Text,Ad Schedule Use Searcher Time Zone,Action Type,Combination Rule,Url,Height,Width,Aspect Ratio,Source Url,Thumbnail Url,Duration In Milliseconds,Cashback Percent,Cashback Monthly Budget,Cashback Scope,Personalized Offers Enabled,Personalized Coupons Enabled,Is Promotions For Brands,Multi Media Ad Bid Adjustment,Bid Strategy TargetCostPerSale,Bid Strategy PercentMaxCpc,Bid Strategy CommissionRate,Goal Id,AdCustomizer DataType,AdCustomizer AttributeValue,Smart Listing,Url Expansion Opt Out,Condition 1,Condition 2,Condition 3,Value 1,Value 2,Value 3,Condition Operator 1,Condition Operator 2,Condition Operator 3,Audience Group Id,Audience Group Name,Audiences,Age Ranges,Gender Types,Negative Audiences,Percent Bid,Hotel Attribute,Hotel Attribute Value,Parent Listing Group Id
Format Version,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,