Duplicate Resource groups with differing capitilisation results in inaccessible resources

BF 0 Reputation points

Recently found out that when scaling out our agent pool, we get the following error:

Failed to increase capacity with error: Resource /subscriptions/13d2c765-693d-4278-91be-769abbce15cb/resourceGroups/DEVOPS-AGENTS/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/DEVOPS-AGENTS-VNET referenced by resource /subscriptions/13d2c765-693d-4278-91be-769abbce15cb/resourceGroups/DEVOPS-TEMPLATE/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/DevOps-VMSS-Spot was not found. Please make sure that the referenced resource exists, and that both resources are in the same region.

It seems we have two resource groups, one called DEVOPS-TEMPLATE, and one called DevOps-Template which up until 16-Feb had not caused any issues, but now every scale event has this error.

Annoying thing is I can't move the capitalised group into the other one, as in the move resource drop down it is not listed, I suspect because it is the 'current' resource group that it is in, and as such you can't move from resource group A into resource group A sort of thing.

has anyone run into this before or have any ideas?

Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets
Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets
Azure compute resources that are used to create and manage groups of heterogeneous load-balanced virtual machines.
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