How to use a (.a) Library in a .NET Maui iOS project

Wael Bouchnak 31 Reputation points

I was able to use a (.a) library from my xamarin project.

i used to add my library this way in the iOS project .csproj

    <NativeReference Include="Native References/MyLib.a">

in my Xamarin Project, every thing works fine :)

i tried to migrate the project to MAUI, I added the same functions, wrappers in my .NET Maui project... and i was not able to call the library

i tried first to add the same (.a) library in .csproj in this way ( Does not work )

    <NativeReference Include="Platforms\iOS\libs\MyLib.a">

then i tried this ( also does not work )

    <ObjBindingNativeLibrary Include="Platforms\iOS\libs\MyLib.a">

i don't find any documentation about this in microsoft Maui docs

is there any project or any sample or any docs about this ???

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  1. Stefan Gstrein 0 Reputation points

    This is my working solution:

    I have my library in the root of my iOS Platforms directory: /Platforms/iOS/libCLib.iOS.a Important in the iOS Build settings: Linker behaviour for Debug has to be "Don't link" or "Link Framework SDKs Only".

    <PropertyGroup Condition="$([MSBuild]::GetTargetPlatformIdentifier('$(TargetFramework)')) == 'ios'">
        <AdditionalArgs>-cxx -gcc_flags "-L${ProjectDir} -lCLib.iOS -force_load ${ProjectDir}/libCLib.iOS.a"</AdditionalArgs>
        <NativeReference Include="Platforms\iOS\libCLib.iOS.a" Kind="Static">
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