The issue you are facing is due to the incompatibility between the Contains
LINQ method and the IEnumerable<DateTime?>
data type. Instead of using Contains
, you can define a custom filter method for your RadzenDataFilterProperty.
First, create a custom filter method FilterByDates
in your @code block:
bool FilterByDates(ReportViewModel report)
if (selectedDates == null || !selectedDates.Any())
return true;
return selectedDates.Contains(report.OrderDateTime);
Then, modify your RadzenDataFilterProperty to use this custom filter method:
<RadzenDataFilterProperty TItem="ReportViewModel" Property="OrderDateTime" Title="Order Date" FormatString="{0:d}" FilterValue="FilterByDates"
Type="typeof(Func<ReportViewModel, bool>)" FilterOperator="FilterOperator.Custom">
<DatePicker @bind-Dates="selectedDates" TValue="DateTime?" InputMode="DateInputMode.Date" SelectionMode="DateInputSelectionMode.Multiple"
DisplayFormat="dd/MM/Y" Placeholder="DD/MM/YYYY" />
By using a custom filter method, you can perform filtering based on the selected dates without running into the Contains
method compatibility issue.