How to Edit or replace the text or the hyperlinks of XPS File using System.Windows.XPS.Packaging?

Akbar Husain 0 Reputation points


  1. Here I am trying to Update or edit the existing Text or Hyperlinks from XPS File. So I have seen a way using System.Windows.XPS.Packaging. By using this I have successfully read the content of the file but unable to write in it.

So kindly please suggest me further.

For you reference I am attaching the sample code below and the sample file.

I am not able to attached the xps or zip file so please take one sample file.

  1. There is any "XpsDetails" class in System.Windows.Xps.Packaging?


XpsDocument _xpsDocument=new XpsDocument("/path",System.IO.FileAccess.Read);
IXpsFixedDocumentSequenceReader fixedDocSeqReader 
IXpsFixedDocumentReader _document = fixedDocSeqReader.FixedDocuments[0];
IXpsFixedPageReader _page 
    = _document.FixedPages[documentViewerElement.MasterPageNumber];
StringBuilder _currentText = new StringBuilder();
System.Xml.XmlReader _pageContentReader = _page.XmlReader;
if (_pageContentReader != null)
  while (_pageContentReader.Read())
    if (_pageContentReader.Name == "Glyphs")
      if (_pageContentReader.HasAttributes)
        if (_pageContentReader.GetAttribute("UnicodeString") != null )
string _fullPageText = _currentText.ToString();
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