Unable to restore the function app from backup
I am trying to restore a function app from backup. I am using the Java SDK to acheive this. On portal everything works fine but while trying for the same backup from Azure java SDK. I am getting this exception.
com.azure.resourcemanager.appservice.models.DefaultErrorResponseErrorException: Status code 500, "{"Code":"InternalServerError","Message":"Error occurred while reading meta data from the storage account.","Target":null,"Details":[{"Message":"Error occurred while reading meta data from the storage account."},{"Code":"InternalServerError"},{"ErrorEntity":{"ExtendedCode":"54102","MessageTemplate":"Error occurred while reading meta data from the storage account.","Parameters":["dev-docker-app"],"Code":"InternalServerError","Message":"Error occurred while reading meta data from the storage account."}}],"Innererror":null}": Error occurred while reading meta data from the storage account.17:31:26.991 [reactor-http-epoll-5] DEBUG reactor.netty.ReactorNetty - [id:802ff4d5, L:/ - R:management.azure.com/] Non Removed handler: azureResponseTimeoutHandler, context: null, pipeline: DefaultChannelPipeline{(reactor.left.sslHandler = io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandler), (reactor.left.httpCodec = io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpClientCodec), (reactor.right.reactiveBridge = reactor.netty.channel.ChannelOperationsHandler)}
Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.