Hello @Jie Zhou
Thanks for reaching out to us, but this is not the right forum for exam questions, please refer to below content -
Your question may already be answered on one of these pages:
- Certification process overview
- Introduction and FAQs for online proctored exams
- Manage your certification profile
If you would like to report an issue with any of the following, use the support channel noted:
- Microsoft certification exam scheduling, registration, NS delivery (including online proctored exams through OnVUE), contact the certification support forum.
- Microsoft certification renewal process, delivery, and certification expiration, etc., contact the certification support forum.
- Technical issue or error with a Microsoft certification exam or assessment renewal question, complete the question challenge form.
- Technical issue with a Microsoft Practice Assessment delivered on Microsoft Learn, complete this form.
I hope this helps!
-Please kindly accept the answer if you feel helpful to support the community, thanks a lot.