How to copy incremental 100k plus rows each day using Copy Activity.
Source: SQL Server
Sink/Target: Azure SQL Database
Copy Activity SQL Server Source: Select * from source_tablename where [Last LoadDate] < [source_watermark date]
Copy Activity Azure SQL Sink/Target: Can't see option to use Merge Stored Procedure. Only have option to insert to target table. Can't find update option, if record exists.
I saw the link to use table type for each table, which is cumbersome if I have 100 tables. Also, I think table type might result with performance issues, if I have daily incremental above 100K for few tables. (
Note: I don't have option to use data flows as it is not supported to copy from on-premises source data and can't re-write the logic from existing Stored Procedure to built-in data flows functions.
Please suggest simple options to copy from on-premises to Azure SQL using Stored procedure merge.