Hi @M, Praveen kumar ,
I had a conversation with Purview product team, and they have confirmed that the updates of existing classifications are handled asynchronously so it does take time (approx. up to 24 hrs) for classifications to be removed from existing assets. Currently there is no way to track the removal progress.
Product team are looking into improving this experience in the short term by informing the user that this is an offline process and changes will reflect in approximately xx hrs. The long-term improvements are in the backlog to hook this up with the notification pipeline so users will get a notification once the processing completes.
If you have any additional feedback, or feature request suggestion, please feel free to log it in IDEAS forum here: https://feedback.azure.com/d365community/forum/82d7bddb-fb24-ec11-b6e6-000d3a4f07b8 All the feedback shared in this forum are actively monitored and reviewed by respective product owners.
Kindly share the feedback link once it is logged so that I can share it with respective product owners to further review it.
Hope this helps.
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