Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A Platform. Thank you for reaching out & I hope you are doing well.
I reproduced your environment and arrived at the below query.
| where Category == "AzureFirewallNetworkRule" or Category == "AzureFirewallApplicationRule"
| extend msg_s = replace(@'. Action: Deny. Reason: SNI TLS extension was missing.', @' to no_data:no_data. Action: Deny. Rule Collection: default behavior. Rule: SNI TLS extension missing', msg_s)
| extend msg_s = replace(@'No rule matched. Proceeding with default action', @'Rule Collection: default behavior. Rule: no rule matched', msg_s)
| parse msg_s with * " Web Category: " WebCategory
| extend msg_s = replace(@'(. Web Category:).*','', msg_s)
| parse msg_s with * ". Rule Collection: " RuleCollection ". Rule: " Rule
| extend msg_s = replace(@'(. Rule Collection:).*','', msg_s)
| parse msg_s with * ". Rule Collection Group: " RuleCollectionGroup
| extend msg_s = replace(@'(. Rule Collection Group:).*','', msg_s)
// extract Policy information, then remove it from further parsing
| parse msg_s with * ". Policy: " Policy
| extend msg_s = replace(@'(. Policy:).*','', msg_s)
| parse msg_s with * ". Signature: " IDSSignatureIDInt ". IDS: " IDSSignatureDescription ". Priority: " IDSPriorityInt ". Classification: " IDSClassification
| extend msg_s = replace(@'(. Signature:).*','', msg_s)
| parse msg_s with * " was DNAT'ed to " NatDestination
| extend msg_s = replace(@"( was DNAT'ed to ).*",". Action: DNAT", msg_s)
// extract Threat Intellingence info, then remove it from further parsing
| parse msg_s with * ". ThreatIntel: " ThreatIntel
| extend msg_s = replace(@'(. ThreatIntel:).*','', msg_s)
// extract URL, then remove it from further parsing
| extend URL = extract(@"(Url: )(.*)(\. Action)",2,msg_s)
| extend msg_s=replace(@"(Url: .*)(Action)",@"\2",msg_s)
| parse msg_s with Protocol " request from " SourceIP " to " Target ". Action: " Action
| extend
SourceIP = iif(SourceIP contains ":",strcat_array(split(SourceIP,":",0),""),SourceIP),
SourcePort = iif(SourceIP contains ":",strcat_array(split(SourceIP,":",1),""),""),
Target = iif(Target contains ":",strcat_array(split(Target,":",0),""),Target),
TargetPort = iif(SourceIP contains ":",strcat_array(split(Target,":",1),""),""),
Action = iif(Action contains ".",strcat_array(split(Action,".",0),""),Action),
Policy = case(RuleCollection contains ":", split(RuleCollection, ":")[0] ,Policy),
RuleCollectionGroup = case(RuleCollection contains ":", split(RuleCollection, ":")[1], RuleCollectionGroup),
RuleCollection = case(RuleCollection contains ":", split(RuleCollection, ":")[2], RuleCollection),
IDSSignatureID = tostring(IDSSignatureIDInt),
IDSPriority = tostring(IDSPriorityInt)
| project TimeGenerated,Protocol,SourceIP,SourcePort,Target,TargetPort,URL,Action, NatDestination, OperationName,ThreatIntel,IDSSignatureID,IDSSignatureDescription,IDSPriority,IDSClassification,Policy,RuleCollectionGroup,RuleCollection,Rule,WebCategory
| where Action == "Deny"
//| where Rule == "<YOURRULENAME>"
| order by TimeGenerated
| limit 100
Please replace <YOURRULENAME> with your rule name (removing the comment)
or if you want all Deny, you can comment this out
Kindly let us know if this helps or you need further assistance on this issue.
Please don’t forget to close the thread by clicking "Accept the answer" wherever the information provided helps you, as this can be beneficial to other community members.