I've filed the issue as #166.
Addition and subtraction in Small Basic web IDE text string calculates?!
Reputation points
In the Small Basic web IDE, the following code outputs numbers on the left of the "=" rather than an expected string showing the calculation. Is this a bug or have I formulated my strings incorrectly?
a = 6
b = 3
result1 = Text.Append(a, " + ")
result1 = Text.Append(result1, b)
TextWindow.WriteLine(result1 + " = " + (a + b) )
result2 = Text.GetSubText(a, 1, 1) + " + " + Text.GetSubText(b, 1, 1)
TextWindow.WriteLine(result2 + " = " + (a + b) )
sum = Text.Append(a, " - ")
TextWindow.WriteLine(sum + b + " = " + (a - b) )
The result (not expected) from the web IDE is (https://superbasic-v2.azurewebsites.net/):
63 = 9
9 = 9
-3 = 3
Program has ended.
The result with the same code in the desktop IDE is as expected (Microsoft Small Basic v1.3 at time of writing):
6 + 3 = 9
6 + 3 = 9
6 - 3 = 3
Press any key to continue...
Multiplication ( *
) and Division ( /
) in both IDE's behave as expected.
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Nonki Takahashi 676 Reputation points
2020-10-17T02:00:08.083+00:00 Hi @StephenDx , thank you for your report. I will add this issue to GitHub. This is a new issue.