Inner view for folder and option to more deeper view

דני שטרית 2,706 Reputation points


Assume you have this view.

When I press on Type column cell folder i want to change view using the our api to show its files and folders.

with option to go back. and with option to go more deeper.

I want to be in same view and show hide the inner or back view.

I would like to get and advise how is can be done ?

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When I click icon of folder than create Query to my API using the current path this I do not see in your solution. Moreover when I go back again query my API and returning to previous state correct if I'm wrong.In first time we get first level of fiels and folder when we click on folder we get on demand the inner files and folders and so on.

Please see this video:

there are many rows including files and folders. when you press on folder i made query to API according to folder path i bring the new data. when i go back i used the former path and made query to API and go to previous screen.

Platform: Windows

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  1. Wenyan Zhang (Shanghai Wicresoft Co,.Ltd.) 26,146 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor


    You could reset ItemSource of the CollectionView when you click the icon button.

    Layout(SelectionMode="None" will make IconClickCommand be triggered, setting Single will make SelectedChangedCommand be triggered, you could choose the way you prefer to)

    <CollectionView x:Name="MyCollectionView" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" SelectionMode="None" SelectionChangedCommand="{Binding SelectedChangedCommand}"  SelectionChangedCommandParameter="{Binding SelectedItem, Source={x:Reference MyCollectionView}}" >
                            <CheckBox > </CheckBox>
                            <ImageButton Source="{Binding Icon}" Command="{Binding IconClickCommand}"  ></ImageButton>
                            <Label Text="{Binding Name}"/>


    public class TestViewModel
        public ObservableCollection<Item> Items { get; set; }// default item source
        public Command SelectedChangedCommand=> new Command((sender) =>
        {// set SelectionMode Single
            if (sender !=null)
                        Item item = sender as Item;
                       if (item.IsLastLevel == false) {
                            RefreshSourceWithID(item.FolderId); // refresh data when select the item
        public TestViewModel()//ctor, set default data
            Items = new ObservableCollection<Item>();
            Items.Add(new Item { FolderId = "0", IsLastLevel = false, Name = "test1", Icon = "type.png", IconAction = () =>
            }) ;
            Items.Add(new Item { FolderId = "1", IsLastLevel = false, Name = "test2", Icon = "type.png",
                IconAction = () =>
            Items.Add(new Item { FolderId = "2", IsLastLevel = false, Name = "test2", Icon = "type.png" });// if you want to click the button to refresh the data, try to add action, set set SelectionMode None
            Items.Add(new Item { FolderId = "3", IsLastLevel = true, Name = "1.txt", Icon = "back.png" });
       void GoBack(string folderID)
           // Items.Add(...)
    void RefreshSourceWithID(string folderID)
            // request new data source according to ID, make fake data to simulate this progress
            if (folderID == "0")
                Items.Add(new Item { FolderId = "new 0", Name = "...", Icon = "back.png", IsLastLevel = true, IconAction = () => { GoBack("new 1"); }  });// call go back
                Items.Add(new Item { FolderId = "new 1", Name = "new test0", Icon = "type.png", IsLastLevel = false });// if you want to click the button to refresh the data, try to add action
                Items.Add(new Item { FolderId = "other 0", Name = "other test0", Icon = "type.png", IsLastLevel = false });
                Items.Add(new Item { FolderId = "other 1", Name = "other.txt", Icon = "back.png", IsLastLevel = true });
                Items.Add(new Item { FolderId = "other 2", Name = "other test2", Icon = "type.png", IsLastLevel = false });
                Items.Add(new Item { FolderId = "other 3", Name = "other test3", Icon = "type.png", IsLastLevel = false });


    public class Item : INotifyPropertyChanged//Model class
        public Action IconAction { get; set; }
        private bool isLastLevel;
        public bool IsLastLevel
            get => isLastLevel;
                if (isLastLevel != value)
                    isLastLevel = value;
       public string FolderId { get; set; }
        private string icon;
        public string Icon
            get => icon;
                if (icon != value)
                    icon = value;
        private string name;
        public string Name
            get => name;
                if (name != value)
                    name = value;
       public Command IconClickCommand => new Command(IconClicked);
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        public void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string name = "") =>
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
        private void IconClicked()
            this.IconAction?.Invoke();// invoke action

    Best Regards,

    Wenyan Zhang

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