How do I assign an Windows Autopilot Deployment Profile to multiple groups using graph API?

Johan Berg 65 Reputation points

To assign Windows Autopilot Deployment Profile to one group I use the following code.

Request Body:

    "target": {
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget",
        "groupId": "<The group id>"

But how do I assign it to multiple groups? I have tested the following code (Based on ide from @Crystal-MSFT answer in an earlier question) but it don't work.

Request Body:

        "target":  {
                       "@odata.type":  "#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget",
                       "groupId":  "<The group id>"
        "target":  {
                       "@odata.type":  "#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget",
                       "groupId":  "<The group id>"

How do I assign it to multiple groups?



Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
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  1. Johan Berg 65 Reputation points

    I managed to solve it in the following way:

    # Loop through the groupIds and assign the profile to each group
    foreach ($groupId in $groupIds) {
        $assignmentBody = @{
            target = @{
                "@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget"
                groupId = $groupId
        } | ConvertTo-Json
        # Make the API call to assign the profile to the current group
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