Hi @Sumit ,
Please also check another method:
;with cte as
(select *,row_number() over(partition by TCode,Fcode,PCode,TpCode,CCode,CityCode,ACode,ICode order by TCode) rn
from #Dup)
,cte2 as
(select *,max(rn) over(partition by TCode,Fcode,PCode,TpCode,CCode,CityCode,ACode,ICode order by TCode) mm
from cte )
select TCode, Fcode, PCode, TpCode, CCode, CityCode, ACode, ICode,
case when rn=1 then 'Original'
when mm=2 then 'Duplicate'
else concat('Duplicate-', rn-1) end Result
from cte2
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